New Delhi: Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) is organizing 27th Conference of Central and State Statistical Organizations (COCSSO) during 11-12thNovember 2019 at Biswa Bangla Convention Centre, DG Block, Action Area 1, New Town, Kolkata.
The Conference will be inaugurated by Shri Pravin Srivastava, Chief Statistician of India cum Secretary, MoSPI on 11thNovember, 2019.
The Conference, a major national annual event, provides a platform for discussion and improved coordination between the Central and State Statistical agencies for enhancing the efficiency of the Indian Statistical System.
The theme of this year’s Conference “Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”, has been chosen for intensive and focused discussions aimed at filling the data gaps and improvement of timelines/quality in SDG monitoring.
MoSPI, which is responsible for monitoring the progress of SDGs, has developed the National Indicator Framework (NIF) for monitoring country’s progress on SDGs, in consultations with Central Ministries and State/UT Governments. It has also released the NIF Baseline Report 2015-16 setting the benchmark for measuring SDGs progress up to 2030.
The next important step on SDGs is preparation of the State Indicator Framework (SIF) so that monitoring of progress in respect of SDGs can take place at the State and sub-State levels. In this backdrop, 27th COCSSO assumes greater Significance for proposing the way forward for evolving SIF through a wider consultation with State Governments/UTs and other stakeholders.
Chairman and members of National Statistical Commission and Director, Indian Statistical Institute are also likely to attend the event. The representatives of Central Government Ministries, State Governments, UN Agencies, Industry stakeholders, civil societies, etc. are participants in the event. Presentations on various thematic areas on SDGs and experience sharing in the field are also scheduled during the event to make it more fruitful.