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33% Sub Quota for Women in Allotment of each Category of minor Catering Units at All Category of stations has been provided under the New Catering Policy of Indian Railways


New Delhi: Minister of Railways Shri Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu has recently launched New Catering Policy 2017, while there are many new features in the new Catering policy, special provisions for women have also been made in it.

Under this policy, a Sub Quota of 33% for women in allotment of each of the reserved catering units is being introduced on Indian Railways in order to extend economic empowerment for women. It is also in compliance with the announcement made in Railway Budget 2016-17.

Current Status of Reservation at Minor Catering Units (Stalls / Trolleys / Khomchas):

a) A1, A, B, and C Category stations тАУ 25% of the Units are reserved for various categories like SC (6%), ST (4%), BPL (3%), OBC (3%), Minorities (3%), Freedom Fighters (4%) and Physically Challenged persons (2%).

b) D, E and F Category stations тАУ 49.5% of the Units are reserved for various categories like SC (12%), ST (8%), OBC (20%) and Minorities (9.5%).

тАв 33% sub quota for women in allotment of each category of minor catering units at all category of stations has been provided. 33% sub quota reservation for women in each category shall ensure allotment of minimum 8% stalls to women at A1, A, B & C category station and minimum 17% at D, E and F category station.

тАв There are approximately 8000 Minor Catering Units over Indian Railways.

тАв Under this provision, Railways shall ensure that women participation does not fall below a specific level.

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