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51 lakh houses approved under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban) in 3 years of its implementation


New Delhi: This is in reference to an article published in a Delhi based English daily newspaper on 8th July 2018 citing some incomplete figures for the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana – Urban. The correct figures are stated as below-

           Under PMAY (U)  so far more than 51 Lakhs dwelling units have been sanctioned against the validated demand of 1 crore in last 3 years of implementation. This is a huge jump in comparison to erstwhile housing scheme wherein only 12.4 Lakh houses were approved in around 9 years of its implementation. Out of over 51 lakh sanctioned houses, over 28 lakhs have already been grounded and are in various stages of construction. Further over 8 lakh houses have already been completed and nearly 8 lakh houses have been occupied by the benficiaries.

                  The newspaper article gives an impression that the proposed Global Housing construction technology challenge is being undertaken to expedite filling up the housing construction gap. This is not correct. The fact is that the Global Housing construction technology challenge has been proposed to use the opportunity of large scale construction under PMAY-U to attract the best available global construction technologies which could ensure delivery of houses at a minimum cost, in minimum time while ensuring maximum number of houses in a given area. This will help in technology transfer to our country so that ultimately these globally best available construction technologies and designs get adopted in the country benefiting the construction industry at large.

                The Global Housing Construction Technology Challenge (GHTC-I ) may help us  adopt those technologies to suit our local conditions and requirements. It is win-win situation for all stakeholders which would help in fast transition of new global construction technologies in India giving a fillip to building affordable houses in India in a cost effective and sustainable manner.

            Infact , use of new and fast-track construction technology has already been adopted in a big way in the scheme. GoI has been insisting States/UTs to issue technology-agnostic tenders for construction of large scale housing. CPWD has approved schedule of rates for 8 types of new technologies available in the country. So far, construction of nearly 8.6 lakh houses is being done using these new green technologies, which are fast and environment sensitive. Progress of the houses on the ground are being monitored through geo-tagging using space technology.

            In terms of coverage, the Mission is a paradigm shift in the history of housing schemes being implemented in the past. The Government of India is committed to provide “Housing for All” by the end of the Mission period-2022. A National Urban Housing Fund for Rs. 60,000 crores has been set up for raising Extra Budgetary Resources (EBR) in phases, for the rapid implementation of PMAY (U). Keeping the ethos of cooperative federalism, the States/UTs are implementing the scheme with considerable zeal and initiatives.

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