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SARAS Aajeevika Mela 2018


New Delhi: Deen dayal Antyodaya Yojana – National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM) is one of the flagship programmes of the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India to alleviate rural poverty. The programmer aims to organize the rural poor women into their own institutions like Self Help Groups and their federations, Producers’ Collectives etc. and also ensure their financial inclusion and livelihoods support. Since its launch in 2011, the Mission has spread to 4456 Blocks of 584 Districts, across 29 States and 5 Union Territories. Women from 4.7 crore of the poorest and marginalized families have been mobilized into 39.9 lakh Self Help Groups, which have been federated into 2.20 lakh Village Organizations and 19,000 Cluster Level Federations. Women’s Self-Help Groups have now accessed Rs.151,000 crores of funds from banks. The Mission has succeeded in identifying and working with more than 33 lakh women farmers, to increase the productivity of farms and promote diversified livelihoods, especially by promoting entrepreneurship.

A major component under DAY-NRLM relates to skilling of rural poor youth for self-employment and wage employment.  Towards this end the Ministry is implementing the Deen Dayal Upadhyay -Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY) under DAY-NRLM. DDU-GKY is a placement Linked Skill Development scheme which seeks to build the Skills of the poor rural youth and place them in relatively higher wage employment sectors of the economy. As of Jan’18, 10.51 lakh youth have been trained and 6.5 lakh youth have been placed.

DAY-NRLM also provides support for establishing Rural Self Employment Training Institutes (RSETIs) in each district of the country in collaboration with the Banks and the State Governments to provide training to the rural youth from the poor households to take-up economic activities. Currently 582 RSETIs are functioning in the country. Cumulatively,26 lakh youth have been trained and 17.2 lakh have been settled as on January, 2018.

The Ministry is also implementing Mahila Kisan Sahshaktikaran Pariyojana (MKSP), as a sub scheme under DAY-NRLM with an aim of promoting agriculture based livelihoods of rural women by strengthening community institutions of poor women farmers to promote sustainable agriculture. MKSP focuses on agriculture, non-timber forest produce and livestock interventions. It provides three kind of services to the farmers, namely:

  • Extension services
  • Training capacity building and handholding services
  • Facilitation for convergence with other line department to access the benefit from other schemes/ programmes.

So far this Ministry has approved 80 projects under MKSP covering about 33 lakhs mahila kisans in 21 states and one union territory with central allocation of about Rs. 822 crores

Another sub-scheme under DAY-NRLM is the Start Up Village Entrepreneurship Programme (SVEP).SVEP aims to support entrepreneurs in rural areas to set up local enterprises. Implemented in 17 States since 2016-17, 13772 enterprises have been supported under SVEP resulting in generation of employment for 28370 beneficiaries.

In August 2017 the Ministry launched the Aajeevika Grameen Express Yojana as another sub-scheme of DAY-NRLM with the (AGEY) aim to provide safe, affordable and community monitored rural transport services to connect remote rural villages. As on date, over 200 vehicles are plying on the roads, many of which are being driven by the women themselves.

Marketing of products of the SHG women is one of the major concerns of the Ministry of Rural Development. In order to empower the rural women artisans and to bring them above the poverty line, through access to better market and marketing systems, the Ministry of Rural Development has been supporting the organisation of exhibitions under the brand name of SARAS where Self Help Groups from different states participate and sell their products. At present, two SARAS Fairs in a State are sponsored by the Ministry during a financial year by way of providing assistance uptoRs 40.00 lakh per fair in Metropolitan cities (Bangalore, Mumbai, Chennai, Delhi, Kolkata and Hyderabad) and uptoRs 35.00 lakhs per fair in non-Metropolitan cities.

In addition, the Ministry has been organizing SARAS fairs at Delhi as a part of India International Trade Fair (IITF) and also as Shishir Mela in Dilli Haat. Taking this forward, this Ministry had organized the Aajeevi ka Mela in May, 2017 at India Trade Promotion Organisation (ITPO). The Aajeevika Mela2017 had over 500 stalls that showcased a number of traditional arts and craft items produced by rural poor SHG women, as also a number of products which have added value to the farm and non-farm produce of these women. Inspired by the success of the Aajeevika Mela 2017, DAY-NRLM is organizing the SARAS Aajeevika Mela 2018 in Hall No. 7, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi from 23rd March, 2018 to 1st of April, 2018 in which SHG women from all states of the country will be participating for exhibition and sale of their products in over 350 stalls. The stalls will display the skills, potential and hard work of our women from across India. The products ranges from handlooms, handicrafts, artefacts and heritage products, tribal ornaments, decorative items, metallic products, earthen utensils, paintings, organic food items, spices, processed food products, soft toys, utility items, brass and wrought iron products.

The SARAS Aajeevika Mela 2018 in New Delhi is an endeavour of DAY-NRLM to provide to the rural women producers a national platform and an opportunity to showcase their products, and seek buyers, either individuals or bulk buyers for sale nationally / internationally. On this occasion, the Ministry will also be bringing out a directory of the products of all the women who will be showcasing their products in the AajeevikaMela 2018.Cultural programmes are also being organized as a part of the Mela. Some workshops for the women participants for honing their soft skills as well as skills in packaging, managing consumers etc. will be organized during the Mela.

DAY-NRLM requests all residents of NCR to visit the SARAS Aajeevika Mela 2018, meet the creative rural women artisans across the country who have chosen to help themselves.

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