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Daily living devices for age related infirmities worth Rs. 1 crore to be allocated to beneficiaries in South Sikkim: Krishan Pal Gurjar


New Delhi: The Minister of State for Social Justice and Empowerment Shri  Krishan Pal Gurjar attended ‘Samajik Adhikarita Shivir’ a mega free distribution camp which included allocation of Assistive Aids and Appliances under Rashtriya Vayoshri Yojana (RVY) to senior citizens of the BPL category and to Divyangjan under ADIP scheme of Government of India (GoI) at Community Hall,  Namchi in Sikkim today.

The camp was organized by Artificial Limbs, Manufacturing Corporation of India (ALIMCO), Kanpur working under the aegis of Department of Empowerment of person with disability (Divyangjan), Ministry of SJ& E, Government of India  in coordination  with Department of Social Welfare, Govt of Sikkim and South District Administration.

The programme was also attended by the  Chairman, Schedule Caste, Welfare Board  Shri Madan Cintury, Zilla Adhakshya (South) Ms. Farwanti Tamang, Upa-Adhakshya (South) Shri  Bhim Badhadur Lakhe, Dy Manager (ALIMCO) Mr. S. Sengupta alongside HoDs and a large number of senior citizens.

Addressing, the gathering, Shri Krishan Pal Gurjar, informed about the aim and objectives of this maiden camp organized in Sikkim under RVY. He announced that the daily living devices of different categories regarding age related infirmities valuing over Rs. 1 crore will be allocated amongst pre-identified beneficiaries from South Sikkim. Shri Gurjar emphasized the camp will immensely assist in positively transforming the lives of the differently abled and senior citizens into that of a self-reliant and self-sufficient person.  He claimed that the Government of India is assiduously focused on elevating the lives of the senior citizens and that of the differently abled persons and that public places in the country are being converted into a barrier-free disabled-friendly spaces.

He urged the South Sikkim District Administration to submit a list of children of the area who are in need of cochlear implant assuring that the Government of India will do the needful in procurement of the implants. He also enumerated the various benefits laid down by GoI for the advantage of differently abled namely that of reservation in jobs, providing of universal I-card and many more services.

      Speaking on  the occasion, the  Joint Secretary MoSJE, GoI, Shri  Surendra Singh Meena spoke in detail about the Samajik Adhikarita Shivir and it’s initiation from the year 2017 onwards. He highlighted about the growing population of senior citizens in our country and underlined that they are extremely vulnerable on account of suffering from disabilities, diseases and terminal illness.  He encouraged the senior citizens of south sikkim to aim for National Award ‘Vayoshreshtha Samman’ which is given to eminent senior citizens and institutions in recognition of their services towards the cause of elderly persons.

It maybe mentioned that the identified beneficiaries of the camp at Community Hall were registered during the assessment camp held by ALIMCO at various locations of South Sikkim during the month of Feb, 2018. Total number of 945 wheelchairs, 790 BTE Hearing Aids, 979 Walking Sticks, 400 Spectacles, 114 Artificial Dentures assisted living devices were distributed to Senior Citizens under RVY. Likewise, a total number of 50 wheelchairs, 48 crutches, 32 walking Sticks, 202 BTE Hearing Aids, 14 MSIED Kits, 02 CP Chairs, 01 Braille Cane, Braille Kit, 13 Rolator, 05 Smart Phone, 01 Daisy Player and 03 Smart Cane were disbursed to divyangjan under ADIP scheme.

Shri Krishan Pal Gurjar will be gracing the occasion of Samajik Adhikarita Shivir, for distribution of assisted living devices to senior citizens under Rashtriya Vayoshri Yojana and distribution of assistive aid and appliances for Divyangjan under ADIP scheme of Government of India  tomorrow at Chintan Bhawan, Gangtok. The programme will be attended by  Chief Minister of Sikkim Shri Pawan Kumar Chamling.

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