New Delhi: The Monthly Account of the Union Government of India for the month of April, 2018 has been consolidated and reports published. The highlights are given below:-
The Government of India has received Rs.71,450 crore (3.93% of corresponding BE 18-19 of Total Receipts) during April, 2018 comprising Rs. 57,533 crore Tax Revenue (Net to Centre), Rs.13,124 crore of Non Tax Revenue and Rs.793 crore of Non Debt Capital Receipts. Non Debt Capital Receipts consists of Recovery of Loans (Rs.359 crore) and Disinvestment of PSUs (Rs. 434 crore).
Rs.55,789 crore has been transferred to State Governments as Devolution of Share of Taxes by Government of India in this period which is Rs. 7,611 crore higher than the corresponding period of last year 2017-18.
Total Expenditure incurred by Government of India is Rs.2,23,417 crore (9.15% of corresponding BE 18-19), out of which Rs.1,76,714 crore is on Revenue Account and Rs.46,703 crore is on Capital Account. Out of the total Revenue Expenditure Rs.15,618 crore is on account of Interest Payments and Rs.58,136 crore is on account of Major Subsidies.