New Delhi: The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi unveiled today development projects worth Rs. 3350 crores for Varanasi today. These projects pertain to various sectors of Health, Sanitation, Smart City, Connectivity, Power, Housing and others. Governor of UP Shri Ram Naik, CM of UP Shri Yogi Adityanath, and other dignitaries were present on the occasion.
At the outset, PM paid tributes to Late Shri Ramesh Yadav from Varanasi, who laid down his life for the country during the Pulwama terror attack.
Addressing a public gathering at Aaure village on the outskirts of Varanasi, PM said that his Government is working on two fronts to give a boost to development. The first one relates to building infrastructure like Highways, Railways etc. while the other is to ensure that the benefits of development reach out to the people. He added that several announcement were made in the Budget to this effect.
Speaking about the projects unveiled today, PM said this is an effort towards making Varanasi an important centre of New India. In this context, he mentioned Locomotive Train flagged off at DLW, Varanasi today and said this initiative under Make in India will help in strengthening the capacity and speed of Indian Railways. He also said, over the last 4 and half years various steps were taken to transform Railways, and India’s first Semi High-Speed Train, Vande Bharat Express en route Delhi-Varanasi, is one such step. He said these projects will not only ease transportation but also lead to setting up of new enterprises in Varanasi, Purvanchal and nearby areas.
PM distributed certificates to the beneficiaries of various schemes. He also released commemorative postage stamp on completion of 100 Years of IIT BHU.
Prime Minister said BHU Cancer Centre and Bhabha Cancer Hospital, Lahartara will provide advanced treatment to patients from Bihar, Jharkhand, Chhatisgarh and other nearby states.
About, Ayushman Bharat, PM said, around 38 thousand people have already availed the benefits under it in Uttar Pradesh. He told that around 1 crore 20 lakh families in UP will be benefitted from the scheme.
He also spoke about PM Kisan Samman Nidha Yojana and said it will benefit about 2.25 crore poor farmers in UP.
PM also mentioned about Rashtriya Kamdhenu Ayog, for conservation protection and development of cows and their progeny.
He observed that the projects for which foundations stones were laid in Varanasi have been completed in time.
Later he distributed Aids & Assistive Devices to Divyangjans.