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27th Conference of Central and State Statistical Organizations (COCSSO) inaugurated at Kolkata, West Bengal on 11th November, 2019


New Delhi: Prof. Bimal K Roy, Chairman, National Statistical Commission inaugurated the 27th Conference of Central and State Statistical Organizations (COCSSO) at Kolkata, West Bengal on 11th November, 2019 in the presence of Shri Pravin Srivastava, Chief Statistician of India-cum- Secretary, Ministry Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI), Government of India. Dr. G. C. Manna, Member, National Statistical Commission, Shri Vijay Kumar, Director General (Surveys), National Statistical Office and Shri T. K. Sanyal, Director General (Economic Statistics), National Statistical Office were also present on the occasion. Representatives from Central Government Ministries, State Governments, international agencies, academic institutions, corporate sector, community organizations and other stakeholders participated in the conference.

In his inaugural address, Prof. B. K. Roy stated that COCSSO is an important platform to bring all stakeholders together to discuss statistical matters of interest. He also highlighted dynamically changing role of the professional statisticians in the context of the technological advancements and transformations which eventually lead to the well being of the society.

Shri Pravin Srivastava mentioned that the theme of this year’s conference has been aptly chosen at a time when MoSPI is taking several steps towards putting in place a robust monitoring mechanism for SDGs.  He further stated that achieving SDGs is a commitment of the country following the spirit of leaving no one behind. He also emphasized the need for developing State Indicator Frameworks for SDGs at the State/UT level on the lines of National Indicator Framework developed by MoSPI for monitoring indicators at national level.

 27th COCSSO is a Conference organized by MoSPI, Government of India every year. COCSSO is a major national forum for coordination between the Central and State Statistical Agencies with the objectives of putting in coordinated efforts for making available reliable and timely statistics to planners and policy makers.

A number of presentations and discussion relating to theme by Central Ministries/Departments as well as representatives from various national and international agencies namely, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, UNDP, ILO, NITI Aayog, Tata Trusts, PwC, etc. will be presented during the Conference. In addition, various States/UTs, Directorate of Economics and Statistics will also share their experiences in this area. The session will explore into several important statistical issues such as new initiatives of MoSPI, sharing of best practices in the area, role of technology in real time monitoring of SDGs, data challenges and alignment of National Indicator Framework (NIF) and State Indicator Framework (SIF) for SDGs, etc.

The detailed deliberations in the conference will enable the State Governments to develop their State Indicator Frameworks in line with the NIF and will strengthen the statistical system of the country.

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