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Mission Innovation Smart Grids Workshop


New Delhi: In order to combat the growth of green house gas emission, the world is fast moving to the increased use of renewable energy sources. However, there is increased concern that high penetration of renewable energy can cause disruptions in the existing power network due to their intermittent nature. Technology solutions are, therefore, needed to address the challenges related to development design, integration, operation and management of grids which allows use of upto 100 percent renewable energy.

Mission Innovation challenge on Smart Grids is collectively working to enable future smart grids powered by renewables. 20 participating countries with India, Italy and China as Co-lead are working together to realise this aspiration. An international workshop is being organised during 16-19th November, 2017 at New Delhi to define research priorities and develop action plan for time bound action for realisation of these objectives.

The Technical meeting of the event was inaugurated by Secretary-DST on 16th November, 2017 in presence of several dignitaries including Directors of IIT-Delhi and IIT-Roorkee. The participating countries Australia, China, Denmark, European Commission, Finland, India, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, United States of America , United Kingdom will present the status on smart grids. With this background, the participants will deliberate on research needs and potential for collaboration in the domains of regional grids, distribution grids, micro-grids and cross innovations. The modalities for greater private sector participation and enabling mechanisms will also be discussed besides incentivising the performing research activities. The participating countries will resolve on future action plan and finalise technical contours of the Mission Innovation. A panel discussion with industrial experts is also planned.

The Public Workshop of the event will be held on 18th November, 2017 where the outcomes of brainstorming session would be disseminated to the larger stake holder forum. The Minister of State for Science, Technology and Earth Sciences, Shri Y.S.Chowdary, and Minister for Power, Shri R.K.Singh will inaugurate the exhibition showcasing achievements of industrial as well as R&D communities in the area. Both the Ministers will share their perspectives on the topic and will be supplemented by representatives from Co-lead countries as well as Directors of IITs (Delhi, Kanpur and Roorkee).

A Report on “Mission Innovation Smart Grids” activities, strategies and vision will also be released. India’s collaborative programmes with United States and United Kingdom on the theme will also be formally launched. The Forum will adopt New Delhi Declaration and as an initial step in this direction, collaboration agreement between RSC Italy and IIT-Roorkee, India will be signed.

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