New Delhi: The Vice President of India, Shri, M. Venkaiah Naidu has said that Government and private sector must join hands to strengthen Primary Health Centers which play a key role in supplying low cost essential medicines to rural areas. He was addressing the gathering after laying the foundation stone for the Primary healthcare Centre in Atukuru village near Vijayawada today. The Minister for Health and Medical Education, Andhra Pradesh, Dr. K. Sreenivas, the Minister for Youth and Sports, Andhra Pradesh, Shri Kollu Ravindra and other dignitaries were present on the occasion.
The Vice President said that the Private hospitals along with government hospitals should take part in providing Primary Health services at remote level. PHC is the cornerstone upon which most of the health delivery systems of a nation are built. Goal of PHC should be to make universal health care available to all people and reach the unreached in the remote corners of the country, he said.
The Vice President said that it is important for professionals who provide primary care need to posses’ clinical, management skills, as well as social skills to bring in a humane approach. At times, they must also play the role of counselors to get people out of trauma in some situations, he said.
The Vice President said that strengthening Police Force will improve the law and order situation in the society. He further said that good policing is the need of the hour. Police should adopt people friendly policies in addressing the law and order situation.