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A Curtain Raiser on National Science Day 2018


New Delhi: National Science Day (NSD)  is celebrated every year on 28 February 2018. This year too Department of Science & Technology (DST) is organizing a function to commemorate NSD. Dr. Harsh Vardhan, Union Minister for Science & Technology (S&T), Earth Sciences (ES) and Environment, Forest and Climate Change (EFCC)will be the Chief Guestat the National event being held in Technology Bhavanand Shri Y.S. Chowdary,  Minister of State for S&T and ES will preside over the function. On this occasion National Awards will also be conferred on the awardees for 2017for their outstanding contribution in communication of S&T and promoting scientific temper.

NSD is celebrated on 28th February to commemorate discovery of the ‘Raman Effect’, which led to Sir C.V. Raman winning the Noble Prize. The theme of NSD-2018 is “Science and Technology for a Sustainable Future”, which has been chosen for the purpose of raising public appreciation of the scientific issues involved.

National Council for Science & Technology Communication (NCSTC) of DSTis nodal agency to support catalyze and coordinate celebration of the NSD throughoutthe country, particularly in scientific institutions & research laboratories.  NCSTC supports organization of lectures, quizzes, panel discussion, etc. through State S&T Councils & Departments. Many institutions also organize Open House for their laboratories and apprise students about career opportunities available in Science &Technology.

            DST instituted National Awards in 1987 to stimulate, encourage and recognize outstanding efforts in the area of science popularization&communication and in promoting scientific temper.  For the year 2017, Dr. Raghbir Singh Khandpur from Punjab has been selected for National Award for Outstanding Efforts in S&T Communication. The award consists of Rs.2,00,000/- (Rupees two lakh), a memento and a citation. All the other National Awards consists of Rs.1,00,000/- (Rupees one lakh), a memento and a citation. Shri Tarun Kumar Jain, Jaipur, Dr. B.Sasikumar, Kozhikode  and Sh. Dilip Kumar Sarma, Guwahati, have won National Award for Outstanding Efforts in S&T Communication through Print Media including Books and Magazines. Dr. Jyotirmayee Mohanty, Jagatsinghpur, Odisha, and Ms. Sarika Gharu, Hosangabad, Madhya Pradesh, are the National Awardees for Outstanding Efforts in S&T Popularization among Children. Socio Cultural Development Centre, Jagatsinghpur, Odisha, has won National Award for Outstanding Efforts in S&T through Innovative and Traditional methods.Indian Society of Remote Sensing is being givenNational Award for Outstanding Efforts in S&T Communication in the Electronic Medium.

Another prestigious Award, the National Award for Women Development through Application of Science and Technology for the year 2017 is also being conferred on NSD on Socio Cultural Development Centre, Jagatsinghpur, Odisha. This consists of Rs.15 lakhs, a memento and a citation.

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