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A delegation led by group of retired Defence officers and academician meets MoS (DoNER) Dr Jitendra Singh


New Delhi: A group of retired Defence officers and academician met MoS (DoNER) Dr Jitendra Singh, here today. The delegation belonged to India North East Development Organisation (INEDO). The delegation was led by its President Gen N S Malik (retd). The Vice President Prof. G S Murthy (retd) and members; Brig. Raj Bahadur Sharma (retd), Vice Admiral Raman Puri (retd), Air Vice-Marshal O P Tiwari (retd) and Maj Gen Sanjay Soi (retd).

During the meeting, the delegation said that the organisation has been working in the area of youth awareness for the last two years. Some of the officers in the delegation have the experience of working in North Eastern states also. They said that keeping in mind the present prevailing situation in North East, it is our duty to sensitise the youth about the current issues, including Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA).  The youth from North East are residing in various parts across the country, the delegation said. Gen N S Malik said that there are about 50 to 60 thousand students from north-eastern states in and around Bengaluru. The delegation told the Minister that they would like to work to bring out an awareness programme for the youth regarding issues related to national security and CAA. They offered their cooperation, experience and expertise in implementing the programs planned by the DoNER Ministry in this direction.  The delegation said that, in addition, they take-up site specific programs in improving social harmony and economic development.

Dr Jitendra Singh said that the Government is committed to the development of North Eastern region. He welcomed the suggestions by the delegation and said that youth awareness is very important and they are asset of our nation. He added that North Eastern Council (NEC) has its headquarters in Shillong. The NEC can coordinate with the delegation and work in the direction of youth awareness there.

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