New Delhi: A group of 26 students from Central University of Jammu ( J &K) called on the Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) of the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER), MoS PMO, Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr Jitendra Singh here today. All the students were from the department of Public Policy and Public Administration of the University.
Interacting with the students, Dr. Jitendra Singh said that Indian democracy is still in its evolving state and it has great hope from the new generation which constitutes more that 65 per cent of its population. He said, the third generation youth in the country today has an added responsibility to create such atmosphere where all youngsters can progress. He said that Prime Minister Shri Narendera Modi has great expectation from the young people of India who are the harbinger of change and New India.
Commenting on the public Administration scene of the country , he said that lot of changes are being seen now as the interaction between the administrators and the public has increased manifold. Scrutiny by the public and the media has also increased and the administrators now has to do his job more responsibly while keeping in mind the needs of the people.
These students who were on two-day visit to Delhi had visited Parliament house and National Museum yesterday. They were also scheduled to visit the other historical places and monuments during their trip.