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Advisory regarding containing and management of COVID-19 in National Parks/Sanctuaries/Tiger Reserves


New Delhi: In view of the spread of COVID 19 in the country and a recent news report on a Tiger being infected with the COVID 19 in New York, the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change has issued an advisoryregarding containing and management of COVID-19 in National Parks/Sanctuaries/Tiger Reserves as it is felt that there are possibilities of spread of the virus amongst animals in National Parks/Sanctuaries/Tiger Reserves and also transmission of the virus from humans to animals and vice-versa.

The advisory has asked Chief Wildlife Wardens of all States/UT’s to:

  1. Take immediate preventive measures to stop the transmission and spread of the virus from humans to animals and vice versa, in National Parks/Sanctuaries/Tiger Reserves.
  2. Reduce the human wildlife interface.
  3. Restrict the movement of people to National Parks/Sanctuaries/Tiger Reserves.
  4. Constitute a Task Force/Rapid Action Force with Field Managers, Veterinary doctors, Frontline staff, to manage the situation as quickly as possible.
  5. Create a ‘round the clock’ reporting mechanism with a Nodal Officer for swift management of any cases noticed.
  6. Set up essential services for emergency treatment of animals and their safe release back to their natural habitats, as and when required.
  7. Enhance disease surveillance, mapping and monitoring system through coordinated effort amongst various Departments.
  8. Maintain all other stipulations issued by the Health Ministry in the movement of staff/tourists/villagers, etc. in and around National Parks/Sanctuaries/Tiger Reserves.
  9. Take other possible steps to control the spread of the virus.
  10. Report the action taken to this Ministry.

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