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AFWWA celebrations at head quarter Western Air Command: Subroto Park, New Delhi


New Delhi: Mrs Devika Harikumar, President Air Force Wives Welfare Association (Regional) and wife of Air Officer Commanding in Chief, Western Air Command, kick started the AFWWA celebrations at Subroto Park with all the 47 President AFWWA (Local) of the Command being present. AFWWA at local station level is headed by the wife of the Air Officer Commanding/ Station Commander of the station.

A plethora of activities including future plans for each station was lined up for the ladies. The day started with the board meeting which was presided over by Mrs Kamalpreet Dhanoa, President AFWWA and wife of Chief of the Air Staff.

The main attraction of the day was the grand fete and Mela organised at the Subroto Park sports ground. The ground had a colourful air about it with approximately a hundred stalls from all over North India presenting their wares for sale and exhibition. In all, the area represented a mini India, of sorts. A big hit among the tiny tots were the free rides andinflatable slides put up at the venue. For the women, of course, it was the shopping of goodies from all over north India ‘under one roof’. The proceeds from the Mela go to fund welfare activities of the AFWWA in WAC.

The event would be on for two days, concluding on 03 Nov 18 at 1800 hrs. The event is also open to civilians who wish to visit.

            “I am happy that we have been able to get all the presidents of AFWWA(Local) at one place. It also gives us the opportunity to discuss our future plans for the organisation and review our work done in the current year. The Mela was to give the event a festive mood since the time is just right for one” said Mrs Devika Hari Kumar the lead mind behind this event.

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