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Building a healthy company culture must be intentional

English News

Are you concerned about the wins of your business?

You definitely are, and rightfully so. But how interested are you in making people’s lives better?

Businesses primarily focus on numbers and profits, and there’s nothing wrong with it since they must thrive. However, besides meeting the economic objectives, a business model can be sustainable when it goes beyond numbers and effectively adds value to people’s lives.

Therefore, culture is what defines the organisations. But how do we define culture?

According to Prem Prakash, CEO of CApitalVia Global Research Limited, an organizational culture is driven by purpose and clear expectations. Culture is a shared belief, values and principles of an organization – what differentiates it from other organizations is its character, vision and purpose.

Every workplace has its own essence, from its customer-service policies to its dress code. With proper encouragement and advancement, that corporate culture – the propensity and structure of the company – has the strength to attract and retain employees, improve the business, and build loyalty amongst the customer and the employees.

The drive of development and advancement of the organization must be created and actively nurtured by the CEO to provide the most rewards.

A new report from ‘Limeade’ reveals the integral role that care, plays in creating an effective workplace culture and how HR and business leaders can transform their culture into a definitive competitive advantage.

An intentional culture continuously aligns and regulates an organization’s values, beliefs and behaviours in support of the business strategy.

Post pandemic, we are living through a time when cohesion is one of our toughest challenges and greatest strengths. Without co-location, the organisations must work harder than ever to feel united and driven by the same purpose. Culture provides organisations with a uniting force in challenging times. But an effective and intentional culture is often abstract and hard to consistently maintain.

In my mind, few of the very important characteristics of Culture are, that it should be; Abstract, Unconscious,Dynamic,Relative, Powerful.

Defining culture is crucial in understanding its value and purpose. But how do we measure the  impact of an organisation’s culture?

 We as leaders and our teams, better understand our company’s unique culture, we’re empowered to make it our competitive advantage. Measuring its impact helps us to understand the health of our organisation, the happiness of our employees and to what extent employees feel connected to the purpose of the organisation.

In my view, here are some of the ways that culture makes a tangible difference in a business’s success:

  1. Culture drives behaviour.
  2. Culture creates an aligned organisation..
  3. Culture affects business performance.
  4. Culture will be valued by your board.
  5. Culture is uniquely yours, sets your business apart from all others. Cultures that care

This is where employees begin to love their employers and demonstrate mutual commitment.

There are clear and powerful business results for organisations that show care and make it a core part of their culture. Achieving a culture that cares is possible with the right support and guidance.

When we evaluate our current corporate culture, we look for the alignment between what we say we want, and what really exists. We simply pay attention to the mission, we do not hesitate to evaluate  our office atmosphere, time and again.  We consider our leadership style and go all out to get feedback about our style of functioning, very frequently.  We always think about what makes some employees exemplars of the culture we’d like to see.

Once we’ve determined what our corporate culture is, we can nurture or adapt it to be closer to our mission, vision, and ultimate objectives.

We do the little things to make sure our employees know that, they are valuable.

Authored By Prem Prakash, CEO, CapitalVia Global Research Limited

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