New Delhi: The Cabinet on Tuesday approved installation of 2G and 4G mobile towers in uncovered parts of Meghalaya for Rs 3,911 crore, while raising total fund limit for telecom project in the northeast region.
“The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi has approved Implementation of a Comprehensive Telecom Development Plan (CTDP) for the North Eastern Region(NER) in Meghalaya at a total estimated project cost of Rs 3,911 crore,” an official statement said.
The project will be funded by the Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF). The project has provision of 2G and 4G mobile coverage in identified uncovered areas of Meghalaya and seamless mobile coverage along the National Highways in the northeastern state.
The Cabinet also approved the enhanced cost of CTDP Project for NER for an amount of Rs 8,120.81 crore. The cabinet had already approved Rs 5,336.18 crore on September 10, 2014 for the project.┬аPTI