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Cabinet Secretary reviews the preventive measures on “Novel Coronavirus” outbreak


New Delhi: Cabinet Secretary reviewed the situation arising out of “Novel Coronavirus” outbreak in China.

2.      Secretaries in the Ministries of Health, External Affairs, Civil Aviation, Labour, Defence, I&B and Member-Secretary, National Disaster Management Authority, DG (Armed Forces Medical Services) attended the Meeting.

3.      Cabinet Secretary was informed that till yesterday 137 flights have been screened (total cumulative passengers 29707).

4.      Samples of 12 passengers were referred to NIV Pune.  No positive case has been reported so far.

5.      Following actions are being taken:

Ministry of Civil Aviation

(i)      issue of instruction to airlines for managing and notifying anybody reporting illness on all flights with direct or indirect connectivity to China.

(ii)      facilitate in-flight announcements and

(iii)     distribution of health cards to all flights with direct or indirect connectivity to China.

Ministry of Home Affairs

To ensure that integrated check posts initiate screening of visitors across Nepal border. States have been requested to provide health staff for these check posts. SSB/ BSF/Immigration officers manning integrated check posts have been sensitized.

Ministry of Shipping

To initiate entry screening at the International ports having traffic from China.

6.      Health Ministry also held a review meeting earlier today with Chief Secretaries to review the preparedness and screening in 5 states having border with Nepal, in addition to Pr. Secretaries (Health) of other states.  They have been asked to ensure that community level monitoring of passengers is undertaken through health staff.

7.      It was decided that steps may be taken to prepare for possible evacuation of Indian nationals in Wuhan. Accordingly, Ministry of External Affairs will make a request to the Chinese authorities.

8.      Ministry of Civil Aviation and Ministry of Health will make arrangements for transport and quarantine facilities respectively.

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