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CBSE cancels Examinations for classes X and XII scheduled for 1st July to 15th, 2020 in view of prevailing circumstances due to Covid-19


New Delhi: Keeping in view the request received from various State Governments and the prevailing circumstances due to Covid 19 as on date, CBSE has decided to cancel the Examinations for classes X and XII which were scheduled to be held from1st July to 15th2020. TheSupreme Court today has agreed on proposal of CBSE to cancel the examination and on a scheme to assess the final performance of students in their Classes X and XII exams.

Union HRD Minister Shri Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ expressed his gratitude towards Supreme Court for accepting CBSE proposal of not holding the CBSE examinations of class XII from 1st July to 15th July and for giving priority to safety concerns of students . He said that Assessment from the performance of students in the cancelled examination will be done based on the assessment scheme as suggested by competent committee of the CBSE for declaration of result for both Class-X and Class-XII.

ShriNishank said that CBSE will conduct an optional examination for class XII students in the subjects theexamination for which were scheduled to be conducted from 1st July to 15th, 2020 as soon as conditions are conducive. Candidates whose results will be declared based on the assessment scheme will be allowed to appear in these optional examinations to improve their performances, if they wish so. He said that no further examinations will be conducted for candidates in class X and the result declared by CBSE on the basis of assessment scheme will be treated as final.

The Union Minister said that results based upon the aforesaid assessment scheme will be declared by 15th July, 2020 so that candidates can apply and seek admission in Higher Education institutes.He said that we have proposed this scheme to Supreme Court because the health of students, parents, and teachers is our prime concern.

Kindly click here for CBSE notification on Examinations for classes X and XII

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