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CBSE To Release Answer Key For UGC NET Test on Tuesday


The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), which was the organising authority for the UGC National Eligibility Test, will reportedly release the answer keys for the exam held in November on Tuesday. They will also release the OMR answer sheet of candidates with their recorded responses. Both will be released on the CBSE UGC NET official website and will be up there till 18 December 2017. The website will also give the candidates an option to challenge the results via a link.

However, to make sure they are not overwhelmed with corrections coming their way, CBSE has asked the candidates to pay a fee of Rs 1.000 for every challenge submitted, which will be refunded only if the correction is legit, according to the notification on the website.

CBSE CircularThere is a provision for the candidates to challenge the recorded responses if these differ from the ones they had marked on the OMR sheet. The challenge of scanned images of OMR answer sheets & answer key will be accepted online only, through the link available on the website from 12/12/2017 to 18/12/2017 (11:59 PM). The challenges submitted by post or in person will not be accepted. The prescribed fee of Rs 1000/- per recorded response challenged will be required to be submitted through Credit/Debit Card only upto 18/12/2017 (11:59 PM). Similarly, there is also provision for candidates to challenge the answer keys through the link available on the website from 12/12/2017 to 18/12/2017(11:59 PM). A fee of Rs.1000/- per question will be required to be submitted through credit/debit card. The fee once paid is non refundable.

If the challenge is accepted by the board and found correct, the fee will be refunded and the necessary correction will be made.

If the challenge is accepted by the Board i.e. if the recorded response is not the same as marked by the candidate on OMR sheet, correction will be done and the fee will be refunded… Similarly, if the challenge is accepted by the Board i.e. if any mistake is noticed by the subject experts in the answer key, a policy decision will be notified on the website and the fee shall be refunded.

The circular urges the candidates to make an online payment in case of a correction as the refunds will go into the credit/debit card account of the holder.

The refund (if any) will be transferred online to the concerned credit/debit card account so, the candidates are advised to pay from their own credit/debit card. CBSE’s decision on the challenges shall be final and no further communication will be entertained.

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