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Central Armed Police Forces (Assistant Commandants) Examination, 2017 – Final Result Declared


New Delhi: Based  on  the  results of the Central  Armed  Police  Forces  (Assistant Commandants) Examination, 2017 held  by UNION PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION on 23rd July, 2017  and the interviews for  Personality  Test  held  from 7th May to 17th May 2018, the following is the list,   in  order  of  merit, of candidates who have been recommended for appointment to  the posts of Assistant Commandants (Group A) in the Central Armed Police Forces viz. Border Security Force (BSF), Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), Central Industrial Security Force and Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB).

  1. A total number of 170 candidates have been recommended for appointment as per the following break-up:-

(Incl. 01 Ex-S)


(Incl.04 Ex-S)




(Incl. 01 Ex-S)

  1. Appointments to the various services shall be made by the Government according to the number of vacancies available and subject to the candidates fulfilling all the prescribed eligibility conditions/provisions contained in the Rules for the Examination and verifications, wherever due, being completed satisfactorily. Allotment to various services shall be made according to the merit obtained and preference of services given by candidates.
  2. The number  of  vacancies  reported  by  the Govt. to  be  filled are  as  under:
Name of Service Total Number of Vacancies
General OBC SC ST Total
B.S.F. 17 07 03 01 28
C.R.P.F. 39 21 12 06 78
C.I.S.F. 12 06 02 01 21
S.S.B. 33 17 09 04 63
TOTAL 101@ 51 26 12 190*@

*incl. 10% of total vacancies reserved for Ex-Servicemen.

@ One vacancy has been kept vacant in compliance with Hon’ble High Court of Delhi’s Order dated 27/04/2018. 

  1. The candidature of 43 recommended candidates with following Roll Nos. is provisional:
0001054 0002461 0003410 0004853 0005923 0006257 0011746
0018507 0018722 0029326 0032740 0047384 0047667 0054778
0058820 0063978 0067990 0079236 0079963 0080250 0090208
0090479 0091330 0092081 0092867 0093731 0095065 0095477
0095800 0112308 0112608 0115009 0125206 0134641 0147526
0173384 0189548 0195694 0196157 0201662 0202428 0223056

     6. In accordance with Rule 16 (4) and (5) of the Central Armed  Police  Forces  (Assistant Commandants) Examination, 2017, the Commission is maintaining a consolidated Reserve List of 38 candidates ranking in order of merit below the last recommended candidate under respective categories which are as under:

19 17 02 NIL 38
  1. Union Public Service Commission has a ‘Facilitation Counter’ near Examination Hall Building in its Campus. Candidates may obtain any information /clarification regarding their Examination/recruitments on working days between 10:00 hours to 17:00 hours in person or over Telephone Nos. 011-23385271/ 23381125. The result will also be available on the U.P.S.C. Website i.e. http//www.upsc.gov.in. However, marks are likely to be available on the website within 15 days from the date of declaration of Result.

Click here to See Result

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