New Delhi: In recognition of the contribution made by the Central Water Commission (CWC) for promoting the health and safety of large dams in India through the World Bank aided Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project (DRIP), Central Board of Irrigation and Power (CBIP) conferred on CWC, the CBIP Special Recognition Award 2018, Excellence in Health & Safety of Large Dams for Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project for promoting health and safety conditions of large dams in India under the ‘Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project’ by application of state-of-the-art technology, to ensure their operational effectiveness for Irrigation and Drainage, Water Resources Management, Flood Protection, Disaster Management and excellent leadership in managing the Project. The award was received by Shri S M Husain, Chairman, CWC in the CBIP Raising Day celebrations here yesterday.
Besides assisting in the rehabilitation of distressed large dams, DRIP also assists in the capacity building of the Implementing Agencies through national and international training programmes in which about 3200 dam professionals have been trained on various aspects of dam safety aspects. Besides, six premier academic institutes have been assisted to improve their capability in dam safety areas, so that their expertise could later be utilized by the dam owning agencies in their dam safety efforts. Seismic Hazard Assessment of South-India Region is being carried out by the Earthquake Engineering Department of IIT Roorkee and a Memorandum of Understanding is under process to sign with CWPRS, Pune for the Seismic Hazard Assessment of North and North-East India Region thereby making available Seismic Hazard map for India. Memoranda of Understanding have been signed by NGRI, Hyderabad, CWPRS Pune and IIT Roorkee with DRIP Implementing Agencies for the establishment of seismological instrument stations at specified dams at appropriate locations and later for collecting, processing, monitoring, analyzing, interpreting and archiving the data generated at seismological instrument stations of these Dams.
With the assistance from Japan Water Agency, an Inspection Manual for Dam Field Engineers after Seismic Events for the Ichari Dam in Uttarakhand has been developed. Guidelines for the Development and Implementation of Emergency Action Plans for Dams was published, and five more Guidelines i.e. Guidelines for Preparing Operation and Maintenance Manual for Dams; for Instrumentation of Large Dams; for Mapping Flood Risks Associated with Dams; for Safety Inspection of Dams; and the Manual for Rehabilitating Large Dams are to be released this month.