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Chairman SAIL emphasises on matching operations with industry benchmarks during his Bokaro visit


New Delhi: Public Sector Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) Chairman, Shri. P.K. Singh today visited Bokaro Steel Plant and held a large group interaction (LGI) where he interacted with a cross section of more than 600 Plant employees. He apprised the employees about challenges in front of the Company and ways to mitigate the same. He articulated the expectation from Bokaro collective which has tremendous potential to maximise profits. Bokaro has excellent facilities and modernized mills including recently commissioned new state-of-the-art Cold Rolling Mill. Shri. Singh was accompanied by SAIL’s Director (Finance) Shri. Anil Chaudhary, Director (Technical) Shri. Raman and Director (Commercial) Ms. Soma Mondal and CEO, BSL, Shri Pawan Kumar Singh.

The interaction of SAIL’s top management with cross section of employees of various management levels was aimed at clearly conveying Company’s top priorities and identifying the main issues at Plant level. Company’s top management believes that such large group interactions (LGIs) create an open platform for employees to understand organization’s longterm vision, immediate goals and current challenges. And at the same time, paves the way for a two way communication at all levels bettering the performance. These initiatives are a part of SAIL’s efforts to accelerate Company’s transformation and improve overall performance at the earliest.

During interaction with the LGI, Chairman, SAIL, Shri. PK Singh told that, “In the current competitive environment, we have to put our best foot forward and operate at our rated capacities. We need to cut down on delays and finish any balance projects immediately. There should be no lapse or gaps in our performance as a small slip also will hurt the overall performance.” Stressing on the need to improve performance he said that, “SAIL has to improve across all verticals to match the industry benchmarks. SAIL’s operational performance is continually improving and the Company remained EBIDTA positive in all the four quarters of last financial year.”Attributing improvement in operational performance to the combined effort of every employee and across all functions, he said, “The teamwork spirit must be encouraged.” Discussing about future planning, he added that “there should proper grooming and training of young managers to facilitate proper succession planning.” Shri. Singh encouraged and welcomed the performance improving ideas presented by employees during the interaction and asked every employee to have faith in their capabilities and deliver the best for transforming the company.

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