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Chief Postmaster General, K.K. Sinha released a special booklet on State Level Philatelic Exhibition ‘UPHILEX-2022’

English News

As a part of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, 12th State Level Philatelic Exhibition ‘UPHILEX-2022’ will be organized by the Uttar Pradesh Postal Circle from October 15 to October 17, 2022 at Lalit Kala Academy, Aliganj, Lucknow. Releasing a special booklet on this exhibition, Chief Postmaster General, Uttar Pradesh Circle, Shri Kaushalendra Kumar Sinha said that in exhibition various unique and valuable postage stamps of India and the world will be displayed by Philatelists of Uttar Pradesh. It is worth mentioning that the last state level Philatelic exhibition was organized eight years ago in the year 2014.

Chief Postmaster General, Shri Kaushalendra Kumar Sinha said that stamps represent the real tableau of the cultural and social life of any country. The contribution of Uttar Pradesh to India’s prosperity, culture and heritage will also be displayed through stamps in ‘UPHILEX-2022’. On the three days of the exhibition, special covers and cancellations on various historical places, monuments, heritage, literature, art, culture etc. of Uttar Pradesh will also be released. Shri Sinha said that philatelic workshops, stamp painting, quiz and various other activities would be organized in the exhibition to develop Philately as an interest among the youths and school children. A special counter of ‘My Stamp’ will also be set up for the convenience of getting the photographs of yourself and your loved ones printed on postage stamps.

 Chief Postmaster General, Shri Kaushalendra Kumar Sinha informed that various committees have been constituted for organizing ‘UPHILEX-2022’. While the Chief Postmaster General will head the organizing committee, the Postmaster Generals will be the chairman’s of various committees i.e. Postmaster General Kanpur Col S.F.H. Rizvi, Chairman of Steering & Jury/Award Committee, General Manager (Finance) Shri Rajendra Prasad Chairman of Trade & Volunteer Committee, Postmaster General, Varanasi Shri Krishna Kumar Yadav, Chairman of Publicity, Publicity & Designing Committee, Postmaster General, Agra Shri Rajiv Umrao, Chairman of Youth Program & Allotment, Exhibition, Technical and Security Committee, Postmaster General Lucknow Shri Vivek Kumar Daksh, Chairman of Reception, Hospitality, Ceremonial and Program Committee.

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