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Childline and POCSO e-Box Information at hand for 26 crore School children


New Delhi: National Council Of Educational Research And Training (NCERT) has published the information regarding Childline (1098) – 24×7 Helpline for children and POCSO E-box on the back side of the front cover of all the course books from class 6th to class 12th.  To equip the children with the information regarding the possible modes of protection / complaints, the Ministry of Women and Child Development had requested Ministry of Human Resource Development and NCERT to publish this information. In a telephonic discussion last year, Smt. Maneka Sanjay Gandhi had requested Shri Javadekar to popularize POCSO e-Box and Childline 1098 through NCERT publications, screening of educational films on child sexual abuse in the schools and having strict norms for employing the support staff.

Smt Maneka Sanjay Gandhi, Minister of Women and Child Development thanked the HRD Minister and NCERT for implementing her suggestion and stated that the parents, guardians and teachers should remain vigilant about the children as well as their behavior and any suspected situation should be reported immediately on the Childline No.1098 and the POCSO e-Box.

Through these course books, the information is expected to reach approximately 26 crores school students in 15 lakh schools. NCERT was also advised that there may be chapter in social science regarding the issues mentioned above.  The narrative may continue till class 12th for having a reasonable impact on young minds.  The information will not just reach these children, but is about to stay with them on daily basis. As a result, it is expected that the children will be more aware and they may use the Child Helpline or POCSO E-box, in case of any distress. The easy accessibility of this information in the hand of children themselves may also deter the prospective abusers, at least to a reasonable extent.

 The information in the form of these books will also be available to 10 lakh teachers teaching through NCERT books along with the family members and to the care givers of these children.  The percolation of such useful information directly up to the last mile, is expected to create an environment of child safety and empowerment in the country.

Childline (1098- 24*7 Helpline for children) services

CHILDLINE 1098 is a national 24-hour toll free emergency phone service for children in distress. The Helpline for Children is currently operational in 412 locations across the country. Childline received 1.45 crore calls during April 2016-March 2017 and more than 78 lakh calls during April -November 2017.The Child line provides assistance to children in distress either by way of tele-counselling or physical rescue.

POCSO (Protection of Children from Sexual Offences) E-box

POCSO e-Box is an online complaint management system for easy and direct reporting of sexual offences against children and timely action against and timely action against the offenders under POCSO Act 2012. POCSO e-Box was launched by the Minister for Women and Child Development, Smt. Maneka Gandhi in New Delhi on 26.8.2016. Link of the POCSO e-Box is : http://www.ncpcr.gov.in/user_complaints.php

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