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CIL’s Wage Agreement with Workers’ Unions


New Delhi: The 10th Wage Agreement for CIL and SCCL was finalized in the 10th Meeting of JBCCI-X, consisting representative of Management of CIL/Subsidiaries & SCCL and Representatives of Central Trade Unions (CTUs), held on 10.10.2017 at New Delhi.

The period of the 10th Wage Agreement for CIL and SCCL is from 01.07.2016 to 30.06.2021 (i.e. for 5 Years). After finalization of the 10th Wage Agreement, instructions have been issued to make payment of revised wages from the salary of October 2017, payable in November 2017. To implement other provisions of the Agreement, so far 12 Implementation instructions have been issued.

The details of estimated annual impact of 10th Wage Agreement are as under:-

  1. Basic Pay, VDA, SDA & Attendance Bonus = Rs. 3138 crore
  2. Benefits & Allowances = Rs. 1684 crore
  3. Pension & Post-Retirement Medical Benefits = Rs. 845 crore

Total = Rs. 5667 crore

The Welfare activities of Coal India Limited for welfare of its employees and their families through the subsidiaries are given below:-

  1. Housing facilities:-

CIL has achieved 100% housing satisfaction of the workers.

  1. Water Supply

To provide clean drinking water to the employees and their families, many water supply schemes have been taken up. Supply of Water through natural resource like river, tank etc. are supplemented by underground mine water after proper treatment.


The subsidiary companies of CIL have been providing financial assistance and infrastructure facilities to schools operating in Mine areas like DAV, Kendriya Vidyalaya, Delhi Public School etc. and other Educational Institutions run by the State Government to provide quality education to the employees’ children. In addition, financial assistance and infrastructure facilities are also provided by the companies to certain privately managed schools and other educational institutions functioning around coalfield areas.

  1. Coal India Scholarship Scheme:

For employees’ children two types of scholarships, namely Merit Scholarship and General Scholarship, are being provided every year under prescribed terms and conditions.

  • a) In Merit Scholarship , students securing 1st to 20th position in Madhyamik/H.S. or any State Board or securing 95% and above marks in ICSE, CBSE / ISC Exam (Class-X & XII) are given scholarship as follows:
Courses pursuing Rate of Merit Scholarship per month
a) Studying (XI & XII) Rs.300/-
b) Studying General Course B.A/ B.Sc & B.Com etc. Rs.350/-
c) Studying Engineering / Medical /Applied Sciences/ Professional & Technology including Management, Computer Science, Accounting, Company Secretary after class -XII Rs.700/-

General Scholarship is admissible to Students studying Class-V onwards up to Graduation /Post- graduation level in any discipline subject to prescribed percentage of marks as follows:

Sl.No. Class /Standard Minimum percentage of Marks to be obtained in the last Annual Examination (in aggregate) Rate of Scholarship per Month
i) Class V to VIII Minimum 80% Marks in the Last Annual Examination Rs.60/-
ii) Class IX & X Minimum 75% Marks in the Last Annual Examination Rs.75/-
iii) Class XI & XII Minimum 70% Marks in the last Annual Examination Rs.100/-
iv) Graduation and Post Graduation like BA, B.Sc, B. Com, MA, M.Sc, M.Com, MBA, CA, ICWA, Company Secretary etc. affiliated to a Govt. recognized University/ Institute. Minimum 60% Marks in the Last Annual Examination / or in Hons. Group. Rs.250/-


Technical Education :

Industrial Technical Certificate Course (ITI) recognized by State / Central Govt (after Class-X)

Minimum 75% Marks in the Last Annual Examination Rs.125/-
b) Polytechnic e.g. Diploma Engineering (after X and studying in Govt. recognized Institute) Minimum 75% Marks in the Last Annual Examination Rs.150/-
c) Degree Course in Engineering and Medical Colleges affiliated to a Govt. recognized University. Minimum 70% Marks in the last Annual Examination Rs.400/- subject to condition that the son/ Daughter will secure 60% in all subsequent Semesters.
SC or ST students may be given relaxation of 10% (Ten Percent marks to different class/ Standard of education) as prescribed for granting of General Scholarship.
  1. Cash Award and certificate of appreciation:- Every year Cash Award of Rs.5000/- and Rs.7000/- respectively are provided to the Meritorious wards of CIL employees who secure 90% or above marks in aggregate in 10th and 12th standard Board level examination.
  2. Considering the high cost of technical and medical education in the country, Coal India Limited is providing financial assistance towards meeting the cost of education of the dependent children of Wage Board Employees to the extent of tuition fees and Hostel charges who secure Admission in Engineering in such colleges viz., IITs, NITs, ISM and other Govt. Engg. and Medical colleges.

5. Medical Facilities: Coal India Limited and its subsidiaries are extending medical facilities to the employees and their families through various medical establishments from the dispensary level to the central and Apex Hospitals in different parts of the coalfields.

In addition, special emphasis has also been given on Occupational Health, HIV /AIDS awareness programme for the employees and their families.

  1. STATUTORY WELFARE FACILITIES: In accordance with the provision of the Mines Act 1952 and Rules and Regulations framed there under, subsidiaries of Coal India Limited are maintaining various statutory welfare facilities for the employees such as Canteen, Rest shelters and Pit- Head Baths.

7. NON-STATUTORY WELFARE MEASURES: In order to supply essential commodities and consumer goods at a cheaper rate in the collieries, Central Co-operative and Primary Co-operative stores are functioning in the Coalfield Areas of CIL. In addition, Co-operative Credit Societies are also functioning in the Coal Companies.

  1. BANKING FACILITIES: The Management of Coal companies are providing infrastructure facilities to the various Nationalised Banks for opening their Branches and Extension Counters in the Coalfields for the benefit of their workers. Workers are educated to draw their salaries from Bank/Extension Counters and they are also encouraged to practice thrift for the benefit of their families.
  2. Holiday Homes: Coal India Ltd. has maintained seven Holiday Homes for its employees & their families.

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