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Combined Medical Services Examination, 2019


New Delhi: Based on the result of the Computer Based Examination (Part – I)of the Combined Medical Services Examination, 2019 held by the UNION PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION on 21st July, 2019 followed by Personality Test (Part – II) held from October to December, 2019, the following is the list, in order of merit, of the candidates who have been recommended for appointment to the services/posts in the (i)Assistant Divisional Medical Officer in the Railways; (ii) Assistant Medical Officer in Indian Ordnance Factories Health Service; (iii) Junior Scale Posts in Central Health Service; (iv) General Duty Medical Officer in New Delhi Municipal Council; and (v) General Duty Medical Officer Gr-II in East Delhi Municipal Corporation, North Delhi Municipal Corporation and South Delhi Municipal Corporation.

  1.       The number of vacancies reported by the Government to be filled are asunder:
366 366 55 42 90 919

[including 48 PwBD candidates]

  1.       A total of 798 candidates have been recommended for appointment as under:
Category Number of candidates recommended
General 245 candidates

(including 15PwBD candidates)

Other Backward Classes (OBC) 366 candidates

(including 6PwBD candidates)

Scheduled Castes (SC) 55 candidates

(including 3PwBD candidates)

Scheduled Tribes (ST) 42 candidates
Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) 90 candidates
TOTAL 798 candidates

(including 24PwBD candidates)

  1.       In accordance with Rules 13 (4) and (5) of the Combined Medical Services Examination, 2019, the Commission is maintaining a consolidated reserve List of candidates as under:
97 81 8 1 7 194
  1.       Appointments to the above said services/posts will be made according to the number of vacancies available and subject to the candidates fulfilling all the prescribed eligibility conditions and all verifications, wherever due, being completed satisfactorily. Allotment of candidates to the services/posts shall be made according to ranks obtained and preference of services/posts expressed by them.
  2.       The candidature of 385 recommended candidates with following Roll Nos. are provisional:
0100043 0100254 0100353 0100438 0100617 0200017 0200117 0200238 0200304
0300064 0300207 0300287 0300369 0300442 0300444 0300462 0300483 0300566
0300624 0300768 0300805 0300855 0300867 0300868 0301061 0301176 0301180
0301222 0301387 0400317 0400375 0400404 0400537 0401133 0401140 0401168
0500212 0500233 0500297 0500347 0500359 0500752 0500890 0500967 0501119
0501135 0600005 0600147 0600223 0600300 0600338 0600357 0600454 0600458
0600630 0600863 0601275 0700073 0700139 0700212 0700312 0700372 0800128
0800166 0800195 0800246 0800325 0800404 0800413 0800439 0800724 0800824
0800862 0801121 0801153 0801257 0801265 0801480 0801528 0801614 0801629
0801924 0802127 0802242 0802287 0802303 0802386 0802476 0802484 0802737
0802790 0802951 0802987 0802996 0803202 0803240 0803249 0803253 0803265
0803273 0803508 0803857 0804038 0804477 0804579 0804934 0804975 0805027
0805110 0805128 0805197 0805222 0805553 0805674 0805743 0805779 0805790
0805995 0806180 0806188 0806347 0806395 0806589 0806667 0806751 0806957
1000060 1000063 1000116 1000188 1000207 1000301 1000385 1000496 1000505
1000542 1000674 1000715 1000726 1000784 1000953 1000966 1001136 1001160
1001186 1001212 1001241 1001353 1001457 1001540 1001695 1001788 1002028
1002032 1002061 1002335 1002584 1002593 1002756 1002794 1003067 1003074
1003110 1003130 1003216 1003279 1003320 1003324 1003394 1003399 1003411
1003572 1003671 1003682 1003869 1003921 1003998 1004205 1004270 1004356
1004400 1004418 1004427 1004443 1100064 1100224 1100230 1100243 1100278
1100281 1100330 1100347 1100367 1100388 1100463 1100501 1100529 1100534
1100549 1100614 1100636 1100699 1100730 1100789 1100932 1101143 1101166
1101188 1101271 1101277 1101467 1101473 1101485 1101516 1101567 1200012
1200037 1200133 1200189 1200214 1200310 1200564 1200583 1200609 1200755
1200770 1200845 1200857 1200877 1201021 1201148 1201202 1201367 1201421
1201426 1201462 1201498 1201519 1201531 1201536 1201589 1201614 1201652
1201704 1201775 1201833 1201858 1201906 1202000 1202097 1202121 1300019
1300069 1300172 1300212 1300244 1300251 1300260 1300425 1300553 1300578
1300600 1400002 1400046 1400122 1400180 1500182 1500237 1500265 1500494
1500750 1500783 1500883 1500985 1500992 1700009 1900510 1900777 1900909
1900911 1901553 1901566 1901616 1901631 1901678 1901719 1901798 1901807
1901856 1901875 2400219 2400306 2400324 2400506 2400563 2400666 2400925
2401028 2401041 2401249 2401520 2401562 2401579 2401589 2401610 2401823
2401932 2402156 2402219 2402233 2402270 2402393 2402446 2402504 2402580
2402635 2402636 2402654 2600224 2600558 2600585 2600632 2600713 2600950
2600980 2601350 2601550 2601677 3400015 3400105 3400177 3500144 3500197
3500286 3500327 3500355 3500411 3500444 3500466 3500706 3500724 3500735
3500839 3500879 3500882 3900029 4000085 4000102 4000127 4000191 4000242
4000289 4000311 4000403 4000423 4100151 4100334 4300004 4600024 4900262
5000003 5000006 5000037 5000111 5000165 5000322 5000405 5000773 5000777
5000832 5100102 5100168 5100170 5100297 5100742 5100907 5100939 5100977
5101041 5101067 5200009 5200131 5200181 5200273 5400081
  1.       The offer of appointment to the above listed provisional candidates will not be issued till the Commission verifies the original documents awaited from such candidates. The provisionality of these candidates will remain valid only for a period of six months from the date of declaration of Final result. In case the provisional candidate fails to submit the requisite documents in original as required by the Commission within this period, his candidature will be cancelled and no further correspondence would be entertained in this regard.
  1.       Union Public Service Commission has a ‘Facilitation Counter’ near Examination Hall Building in its Campus. Candidates may obtain any information/clarification relating to this Examination on working days between 10:00 A.M. and 05:00 P.M. in person or over Telephone Nos. 011-23385271 and 011-23381125 from this Counter. The result will also be available on Website of the Commission [i.e.]. Themark sheet is expected to be available on the website within fifteen days from the date of publication of result.

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