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Construction of toilets in schools taken up under various schemes and initiatives of the government


New Delhi: The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009 under Section 19 provides for norms and standards for a school. The appropriate Governments have the responsibility and mandate to provide school infrastructure including toilets in schools as per the RTE norms. All States and UTs have been advised to comply with the provision of the RTE Act, 2009 which inter alia states that every school building should have separate toilets for boys and girls. Construction of toilets in schools across the country to ensure adequate number of toilets as per student strength in the school or upgradation of schools is a continuous process.

The Ministry supports States and Union Territories (UTs) for creation and augmentation of infrastructure facilities including toilet facilities in schools across the country at elementary level through Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) and at secondary level through Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA). Ministry of Human Resource Development annually approves Work Plan & Budget of the States and UTs for various activities including drinking water and toilet facilities under SSA and RMSA schemes based on the gap determined by Unified District Information System for Education (UDISE) database and proposals received from States/UTs.

Under SSA, since its inception in 2001 till 31.12.2017, 10.54 lakh toilets have been sanctioned in elementary schools, out of which States/UTs have reported construction of 9.95 lakh toilets. Under RMSA since inception of scheme in 2009-10 till 28.02.2018, 70,244 toilets in secondary schools have been sanctioned, out of which States/UTs have reported construction of 49,636 toilets.

Under Swachh Vidyalaya initiative 4.17 lakh toilets in 2.61 lakh Government elementary and secondary schools were constructed/re-constructed in one year upto 15th August, 2015 in association with States, UTs, Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) and private corporates, to provide separate toilets for girls and boys in all Government schools.

States/UTs are advised regularly in various meetings and workshops to complete the works in a time-bound manner.

A total amount of Rs. 1062.27 crore under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and Rs. 60.48 crore under RMSA has been allocated during the years 2014 and 2015 to States and UTs specifically for construction and repair of toilets under Swachh Vidyalaya initiative aimed to provide separate toilets for girls and boys in all Government schools. Ministry of Finance has sanctioned a total amount of Rs. 162.67 crore through Swachh Bharat Kosh for construction/re-construction of 25,324 toilets in schools in the States during the period from December, 2014 to May, 2016. PSUs and private corporate have contributed in construction of 1,45,102 school toilets under Swachh Vidyalaya initiative.

Further, details of approved outlay/estimate under SSA and RMSA for toilets in government elementary and secondary schools respectively across the country during the three years are as under:

(Rs. in crore)

Approved outlay/estimate for toilet Approved outlay/estimate for toilet
2015-16 391.16 5.48
2016-17 318.12 34.64
2017-18 211.63 6.02

SSA and RMSA schemes support States and UTs for various approved activities including toilets in Government school buildings as per the fund sharing pattern. The fund sharing pattern is in the ratio of 60:40 between Centre and States (including UTs with legislature) and 90:10 for the 8 North-Eastern States and 3 Himalayan States. The central government funds 100% in case Union Territories without legislature.

This information was given by the Minister of State (HRD), Shri Upendra Kushwaha today in a written reply to a Lok Sabha question.

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