New Delhi: India Infrastructure Finance Company Limited (IIFCL) has made contribution of Rs 10.00 Crore to the NSDF. This is the third installment of contribution made by the IIFCL making the total contribution Rs 30.00 Crore.
The IIFCL contribution is being utilized for promotion of sports in the disciplines Badminton, Archery and Para Sports by way of support to sportspersons in these disciplines for their customized training and other services and setting up of Academies/Support to Academies in these disciplines.
National Sports Development Fund (NSDF) was established with the objective of promotion of excellence in sports through support to top level sportspersons who are medal prospects in Olympics and other major international competitions and creation of sports infrastructure in priority disciplines etc. The Fund accepts contributions from private/public corporate sectors, other legal bodies like Trusts/Societies, individuals etc.
The Fund has made significant contribution for promotion of sports by way of financial assistance to top level sportspersons for their customized training, purchase of equipment and participation in international competitions. The Fund also has extended support to a few renowned Sports Academies/Institutes (which provide facilities for training of potential young sportspersons) for development of sports infrastructure.