New Delhi: In the 4th meeting of BRICS Education Ministers recently held at New Delhi on 30th September, 2016, BRICS member countries have signed New Delhi Declaration on Education in which they have inter alia declared to:
(i) Initiate actions to formulate country-specific targets within the broader scope of the SDG4 and corresponding targets, taking into account the past gains and achievements in the education sector, emerging national development priorities, availability of resources, and institutional capacities; integrate the SDG4-related targets with the national and subnational-level education sector development plans/programmes; and build capacity at the national and subnational levels for measuring and monitoring progress towards SDG4 and corresponding targets using the indicators adopted by the UN General Assembly in September 2016.
(ii) Share information on higher education systems, approval and recognition processes, quality assurance and accreditation, and prevalent procedures and practices for evaluation and recognition of qualifications to facilitate academic mobility; may also consider subsequently to constitute an expert group to work towards the development of a framework for mutual recognition of qualifications across BRICS countries.
(iii) Identify a nodal institution within each country and create an institutional network to share ICT policies, Open Educational Resources and other e-resources, including e-Libraries, among BRICS member countries.
The implementation of these recommendations is a long drawn process which is done through various stakeholders in India and other BRICS member countries.
This information was given by the Minister of State (HRD), Dr. Mahendra Nath Pandey today in a written reply to a Lok Sabha question.