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CWC to draw up a new protocol of online collection of data sixth meeting of Cauvery Supervisory Committee held


New Delhi: The sixth meeting of Cauvery Supervisory Committee was held in New Delhi today under the chairmanship of Secretary Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation Shri Shashi Shekhar. The committee took a detailed presentation from the Chief Secretaries of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Puducherry and the representative from Kerala. The committee tried to reach to a conclusion but Tamil Nadu and Karnataka did not agree to a particular figure of release of water which was based on scientific facts. In the meanwhile Supreme Court passed another interim order today while the meeting of committee was on. During the discussion it was found that certain information that were required were not available. Those information were related to unauthorized withdrawal of water at a time when it is not permitted. The committee did not wish to pass an order which is not backed by supportive data.

It has also been decided that Central Water Commission will draw up a new protocol of online collection of data related to rainfall and flow of water on real time basis which may be shared simultaneously with all the concerned states. The next meeting of the supervisory committee will be held on 19th September 2016. All the three states and Union Territory of Puducherry have been requested the submitt the relevant information and data by 15th September 2016.

Chief Secretary of Tamil Nadu Dr P Rama Mohana Rao, Chief Secretary of Karnataka Shri Arvind Jadhav, Chief Secretary of Puducherry Shri Manoj Parida and senior officials from Kerala, Central Water Commission and Union Water Resources Ministry attended the meeting.

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