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DADF Secretary Reviews Incidence of H5N8 in wild and migratory birds in NZP, Deer Park and other places in Delhi and other affected States


New Delhi: 1. A meeting was convened today under the Chairmanship of Secretary, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Shri Devendra Chaudhry at Krishi Bhawan in New Delhi, to review the prevailing situation of Avian Influenza (H5N8) in wild and migratory birds in National Zoological Park, Deer Park and other places in Delhi and in other affected States.

2. The experts from ICAR, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, National Institute of High Security Animal Diseases (NIHSAD) Bhopal, National Institute of Virology (NIV) Pune, RDDLs and Delhi Government were present along with officers of the Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries (DADF).

3. Initially, Animal Husbandry Commissioner gave an overview of present status of AI situation in various places in Delhi and other affected States including Punjab, Kerala and Madhya Pradesh.

4. Secretary (DADF), Shri Chaudhry reviewed with NIHSAD about samples received from various affected States and RDDLs and findings thoseof. He also reviewed the preparedness of the laboratories (RDDLs / CDDL and NIHSAD). He emphasised on the need to expedite the testing of samples and timely actions thereafter so as to facilitate States in taking effective control and containment measures to prevent the spread of disease to other States.

5. Secretary (DADF) further directed NIV, Pune to carry out Genome Studies and sequencing of the new Virus H5N8 so as to know the source of origin of the infection.

6. The necessary advisories have been issued from time to time to all the affected States as well as other States/UTs to take precautions to prevent the ingress/ spread of the disease.

7. Video Conference with all the States AH Secretaries/ Directors under the chairmanship of Secretary(DADF) will be held on 02.11.2016 to review the situation and also to take preventive measures towards control & containment of the disease and the measures to be taken.

8. All the Departments assured to extend the full support.

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