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Develop a hand held device so that the benefits of soil health card can flow to maximum number of farmers


New Delhi: Extension Division of Department of Agriculture Cooperation and Farmers’ Welfare (DAC&FW), Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries (DAHD&F) have been organizing two pre seasonal interfaces every year, one each for Kharif & Rabi season, to work out joint strategy and technical coordination for research and development in the field of agriculture and allied sectors. This forum provides a platform for finalizing the recommendations for the forthcoming crop season and discussing the emerging issues in agriculture and allied sectors. These recommendations are shared with the states during the National Conference on Agriculture for Kharif & Rabi Campaigns. Along with the states, ICAR Institutes, Krishi Vigyan Kendras and other concerned Institutes are directed to implement these recommendations at field level.

In this respect a Pre-Rabi seasonal interface was organized in Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi on 5-9-2017 and jointly chaired by the Secretary, DAC&FW and Director General, ICAR. On this occasion discussions on the subjects of Crops, Seeds, Horticulture, Plan Protection, Integrated Nutrient Management etc. were organized so that the obstacles coming in the way of agricultural production can be removed.

The discussion mainly focused at making available new, improved & certified seeds to the farmers in the states. The issue of bio-pesticides made of cow dung & cow urine also prominently appeared during the discussion.

It was decided to develop a hand held device so that the benefits of soil health card can flow to maximum number of farmers. It was also decided to review the progress of the same by contacting start-up companies manufacturing these equipments.

Both chairpersons agreed unanimously to expedite publicity & extension in areas of Bee keeping, Agro forestry, use of quality seeds and adoption of new technology for doubling the income of the farmers.

It was also decided that the issues raised by the Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmer Welfare would be addressed by ICAR in a time bound manner so that the benefits flow to the farmers.

The recommendations emerging out of this Pre-Rabi Interface would be shared with states in the forthcoming National Conference on Agriculture for Rabi Campaign being organized on 19-20 September, 2017, at New Delhi.

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