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DG, NDRF briefs media on rescue and relief operations undertaken by NDRF in flood affected areas

एनडीआरएफ के महानिदेशक ने मीडिया को बाढ़ प्रभावित क्षेत्रों में राहत और बचाव कार्यो के बारे में जानकारी दी

New Delhi: DG, National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) Shri Sanjay Kumar briefed the media on the various activities undertaken by the NDRF in the floods affected areas of the country, here today.

During the briefing, Shri Sanjay Kumar said that this year NDRF has rescued 1,837 people and evacuated 9,684 people in the flood-affected areas of Assam, WB, Gujarat and Rajasthan. He said that NDRF teams are relentlessly continuing rescue operations in the affected areas. Depending on the vulnerability of the areas, weather forecast and past incidents, he said that NDRF personnel are deployed before hand in consultation with State Governments, to reduce the response time during the disasters. NDRF has also rescued 40 live stocks and retrieved 19 bodies in 2017, he added.

Shri Kumar said that this year, NDRF has already conducted 313 Mock Exercises, 475 School Safety Programmes and trained 1,237 personnel of SDRF (State Disaster Response Force) of various States in Basic Medical First Response (MFR) and Collapse Structure Search & Rescue (CSSR). Keeping in view the importance of community during disasters, he said that NDRF routinely conducts Capacity Building Programmes to spread awareness and sensitise communities. A total of 3,95,605 persons have benefitted with these programmes this year, he added.

Highlighting the achievements of NDRF since its inception in 2006, he said that NDRF has rescued a total of 1,12,243 people and evacuated 4,51,161 people and retrieved 2,781 bodies in numerous operations across the country and beyond boundaries. More than 49 lakh people have been benefitted with different Community Capacity Building Programmes, he added.

DG, NDRF said that ‘Floods’ has been chosen as one of the main themes under Aquatic Disasters, during the Annual BIMSTEC Disaster Management Exercise, 2017, which is scheduled to take place later this year.

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