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DGCA Incorporates Changes in Regulations To Curb Air Safety Violations By Airlines


New Delhi: During the last three years and the current year, a total of 409 safety violations by flight crew of Scheduled Operators, Non-scheduled Operators and General Aviation have been reported to DGCA. The violations by airline operators/crew were observed in the following areas:

  1. Deficiencies in ramp procedures
  2. Violations of PPC (Pilot Proficiency Check)
  3. Non-compliance for FDTL (Flight and Duty Time Limitations) Requirements
  4. Non-compliance of Pre-Flight Medical Requirements
  5. Crew over-logged training hours
  6. Unauthorized entry into cockpit
  7. Violation of cockpit/cabin discipline
  8. Perfunctory Inspections

Based on the above safety violations, DGCA has taken action against various airline operators and involved crew. By and large there is compliance of DGCA requirements by the airlines. The deviations/non-compliance were detected during the surveillance and regulatory audits conducted by DGCA, and also during the internal audits conducted by the concerned airline. The findings made during the surveillance/audits are followed up with concerned operator for the appropriate remedial action.

DGCA incorporates changes in its regulations as and when there are changes in the standards and recommended practices of ICAO. This is an ongoing process. There are a total of 21 posts created in Aircraft Accident Investigation Bureau (AAIB). As part of Accident Prevention Programme following measures are taken by DGCA:-

  1. Accident / incident data is regularly analyzed and based on the analysis, Air Safety Circulars are issued to bring important observations/findings to the notice of the operators to avoid the recurrence of the accidents.

2.Recommendations emanating from the accident/incident investigation reports are implemented to prevent such mishaps.

  1. As per the annual surveillance program, audit of the operators are carried out. Recommendations emanating from such reports are followed up with the operator for implementation. The compliance of the action taken by the operator is further verified during the next audit.

This information was given by the Minister of State for Civil Aviation Shri Jayant Sinha in written reply to a question in Lok Sabha today.

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