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Digital Study Material

Digital Study Material

New Delhi: The Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) has created a website, namely, swayam (www.swayam.gov.in) and swayam mobile app for iPhone Operating System (iOS), Android and Windows Platform to make study material available online to students.  In addition, the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) has also launched a web portal and a mobile app, namely, e-Pathshala (http://epathshala.nic.in & http://epathshala.gov.in), which provides access to textbooks and other resources developed by the NCERT.  The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has started e-CBSE website and mobile apps to make the study material of CBSE available online to students.

With a vision of “Improving children’s education by enhancing interaction between schools as well as parents and providing data driven decision support system to assist them in taking best decisions for their children’s future”, the CBSE has developed an in-house decision support system called ‘SARANSH’.  The system provides the following facilities: 

  • Data driven analysis empowering Schools and Parents to take best decisions for students.
  • All the performance metrics are presented through numbers as well as charts/ graphs for easy understanding.
  • Equip schools and parents to review student’s performance in various subjects.
  • It helps school to look performance in scholastic areas at an aggregate level and at the level of each student.

The Saransh website, inter-alia, provides comparative information regarding the performance of students at State and National level.

Education, being a subject in the Concurrent List of the Constitution and majority of schools are under the jurisdiction of the State/Union Territory Governments, it is for the respective State/ Union Territory Governments to take appropriate measure for the use of technology to bring transparency in school education system and to reduce the burden of examinations. No time-limit can be set by the Central Government in this regard.

Ministry of Human Resource Development has developed an online platform, namely, SHAGUN for monitoring Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), the flagship programme of the Government of India supporting Universalization of Elementary Education. It, inter-alia, provides a Management Information System (MIS) to evaluate state level performance and progress against key performance indicators and enables the public, State Governments, Teachers and Learners to get a ‘hands-on’ experience of the achievements registered through use of SSA funds.  Further, the CBSE has also been using technology to instil transparency and convenience in the schools affiliated to it through various portals/websites, namely, परिणाममंजूषा,   सी.बी.एस., परीक्षा, पंजीयन,अध्यापक, पुनर्निवेशन,   छात्रवृत्ति,  पुनरावेक्षण,  e-Prac and e-Grades. As per the affiliation bye laws of the CBSE,  every CBSE affiliated school has to establish its website and important information about the school such as vision of the school and the list of the prescribed textbooks in various classes should be posted on its website.  

This information was given by the Minister of State (HRD), Shri Upendra Kushwaha today in a written reply to a Lok Sabha question.

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