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Dr Jitendra Singh presents the Certificates to Ministries/Departments for Meritorious Performance in handling Public Grievances on PG Portal


New Dellhi: The Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) Development of North-Eastern Region (DoNER), MoS PMO, Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr Jitendra Singh presented the certificates to various Ministries/Departments for Meritorious Performance in handling Public Grievances on PG Portal, at an event organised by the Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances (DARPG), Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, here today.

Following Ministries/ Department have been conferred with the award of certificates for the quarters Jan-March, 2018 and April 2018 to June 2018:-

Group  (Jan-March, 2018 )  (April-June, 2018)

(Ministries/Deptts. receiving upto 300 grievances during the quarter

 NITI Aayog


 Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances



(Ministries/Deptts. receiving upto 301-2000 grievances during the quarter

Ministry of Textiles


Department of Science and Technology



(Ministries/Deptts. receiving above 2000 grievances during the quarter

Ministry of Labour and Employment


Department of Defence Finance


Presenting the certificates, Dr Jitendra Singh congratulated the award winning departments/ministries and appreciated them for working in the direction of disposal of grievances. He added that the DARPG has conducted a study to analyse the root cause of grievances received in various ministries. He also welcomed the suggestions given by the citizens on the PG Portal.

The Minister said that the number of grievances lodged has reached about 16 lakh per year as compared to about 2 lakh per year in 2014, recording an increase of about eight times.  This increase is due to the prompt, responsive and active grievance redressal mechanism put in place by the Government, the Minister said. He revealed that he himself and senior officers from the department personally call up the complainants chosen on random basis, who had registered their grievances in the DARPG. The telephone feedback mechanism for grievance redressal helps in getting feedback and suggestions from the complainants, he added. Emphasising that Grievance disposal is an essential part of citizen participation, he said that awareness needs to be generated among the citizens about grievance redressal mechanism.

Dr Jitendra Singh said that almost all Central ministries have adopted the Grievance Redressal Mechanism, but some States are lagging behind in this regard. He appealed to the State Governments to have an active and updated grievance redressal mechanism and coordinate with the Central Government in this regard. He suggested States to adopt methodologies adopted by the Central Government and also appealed to them to make their grievance redressal mechanisms function in a more effective manner for the benefit of citizens.

The Secretary, DARPG, Shri K. V. Eapen, Additional Secretary, DARPG, Smt. Vasudha Mishra and other officers were also present on the occasion.

The DARPG has instituted the Award Scheme for recognizing meritorious performance by the Ministries/Departments for effective redress of public grievances received on the Centralized Public Grievance Redress and Monitoring System (CPGRAMS). Under the Scheme, Certificate of Recognition will be awarded to three Ministries/Departments which have done outstanding work on the basis of volume of grievances received and disposed during a quarter. There are three Categories based on volume of complaints. Ministries/Departments receiving up to 300 grievances are included in Category A, 301-2000 are included in Category B and more than 2000 grievances are included in Category C during the quarter.

The parameters for evaluating the performance and the respective weightage are:-

(a). Total disposal of grievances during the period -35%

(b). Percentage reduction of grievances pending for more than one year -20%

(c). Disposal of grievances pending for more than six months -10%

(d). Feedback received on pg portal from the petitioners whose grievances have been closed- 35%.

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