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Drinking water supply schemes worth Rs. 1,816 Crore approved for Rajasthan

English News

Drinking water supply schemes worth Rs 1,816 Crore were approved for Rajasthan in the State-level Scheme Sanctioning Committee (SLSSC) meeting held on 29th November, 2021. These schemes will provide tap water connection in 2,348 villages spread over 20 districts of the State. It will provide tap water connections to over 3.8 lakh rural households. While approving proposals, the SLSSC has given special attention on water quality issues in 16 districts impacted with geo-genic contamination, thereby urging to make provision of tap water supply in these areas on priority. The State was urged to consider use of solar -power based schemes. To ensure sustainability of ground water sources in the State, work on community tankas is being undertaken by the water supply department.

Under Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM), there is provision for constitution of State Level Scheme Sanctioning Committee (SLSSC) for consideration and approval of schemes to be taken up for provisioning tap water supply to rural households. The SLSSC acts as a State-level Committee to consider water supply schemes/ projects, and a nominee of the National Jal Jeevan Mission (NJJM), Government of India is a member of the said committee.

To translate Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s vision of ensuring clean tap water in every rural household and freeing women and girls from drudgery of fetching water from a distance, Rs. 10,180.50 Crore grant–in–aid has been allocated to Rajasthan in 2021-22, which is four times of last year’s allocation. In 2020-21, the Union Government had allocated Rs. 2,522.03 Crore for implementation of Jal Jeevan Mission in the State. This year, Union Minister Shri Gajendra Singh Shekhawat increased the Central allocation by four-fold. Union Minister, Jal Shakti, while approving the multi-fold increase assured full assistance to the State for making provision of tap water supply in every rural home by 2024.

On 15th August 2019, at the time of launch of Jal Jeevan Mission, only 11.74 lakh (11.59%) household had drinking water supply through taps. In 27 months, despite disruptions due to Covid-19 pandemic and lockdowns, the State has provided tap water connections to 9.88 lakh (9.75%) households. As on date, out of 1.01 Crore rural household in the State, 21.62 lakh (21.34%) are getting tap water supply in their homes. In 2021-22, the State plans to make provision of tap water supply to 30 lakh rural households.

To accelerate the pace of JJM implementation, National Jal Jeevan Mission has urged the State to take necessary measures and provide tap water supply to 30 lakh rural households in the State this year. With Central allocation of Rs. 10,180.50 Crore in 2021-22 and with an opening balance of Rs. 863.53 Crore available with the State Government, the State’s matching share of 2021-22 and shortfall in matching State share of previous years, the total assured fund available for the implementation of JJM in Rajasthan is Rs. 21,830.73 Crore. Thus, Government of India is ensuring that there is no paucity of funds for the implementation of this transformational mission in the state of Rajasthan.

Further, Rs. 1,712 Crore have been allocated to Rajasthan as 15th Finance Commission tied grant for water & sanitation to Rural Local Bodies/ PRIs in 2021-22. There is assured funding of Rs. 9,032 Crore tied grant for the next five years i.e. up to 2025-26. This huge investment in rural areas of Rajasthan will accelerate economic activities and also boost the rural economy. It will create income-generating opportunities in villages

The State team is insisted upon the need for effective community participation and provision of greywater management, strengthening of drinking water sources, etc. through convergence with other schemes viz. MGNREGS, SBM (G), District Mineral Development Fund, 15th Finance commission tied grants for water and sanitation to RLBs/ PRIs.

Water quality monitoring & surveillance activities are given top priority by imparting training to 5 women in each village, for regular and independent testing of drinking water sources and delivery points using Field Test Kits (FTKs). So far, more than 14,162 women have been trained to use FTKs. Water testing laboratories in the State are upgraded and opened for general public so that people can test their water samples at a nominal rate.

Under Jal Jeevan Mission, water quality-affected habitations, Aspirational & JE/ AES affected districts, SC/ ST majority villages, SAGY villages in the State are given priority. Working in line with ‘SabkaSath, SabkaVikas, SabkaVishwas and SabkaPrayas’, Jal Jeevan Mission’s motto is ensuring ‘no one is left out’ as it aims at universal access to the potable tap water supply in villages.

At the start of the mission in 2019, out of a total of 19.20 Crore rural households in the country, only 3.23 Crore (17%) had tap water supply. During the last 27 months, despite Covid-19 pandemic and lockdown disruptions, Jal Jeevan Mission has been implemented with speed thereby making provision of tap water supply to 5.35 Crore rural households in last 26 months. Presently, 8.59 Crore (44.6%) rural household across the country have tap water supply. States of Goa, Telangana, Haryana and UTs of Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Puducherry, D&NH and D&D have ensured 100% household tap water connection in rural areas. At present, every rural household in 83 districts and more than 1.25 lakh villages are receiving tap water supply.

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