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ECO Niwas Samhita 2018 – an Energy Conservation Building Code for Residential Buildings launched


New Delhi: Giving a further fillip to India’s energy conservation efforts, Ministry of Power has launched the ECO Niwas Samhita 2018,an Energy Conservation Building Code for Residential Buildings (ECBC-R). The Code was launched on the occasion of National Energy Conservation Day 2018 in the presence of Chief Guest Smt. Sumitra Mahajan, Hon’ble Speaker, Lok Sabha and Shri R.K. Singh, Minister of State (IC) for Power and New &Renewable Energy.

 The implementation of this Code is will give a fillip to energy efficiency in residential sector. It aims to benefit the occupants and the environment by promoting energy efficiency in design and construction of homes, apartments and townships. This Code has been prepared after extensive consultations with all stakeholders, consisting of architects & experts including building material suppliers and developers. The parameters listed in the Code have been developed based on large number of parameters using climate and energy related data.  Initially, Part-I of the Code has been launched which prescribes minimum standards for building envelope designs with the purpose of designing energy efficient residential buildings.  The Code is expected to assist large number of architects and builders who are involved in design and construction of new residential complexes in different parts of the country. Implementation of this Code will have potential for energy savings to the tune of 125 Billion Units of electricity per year by 2030, which is equivalent to about 100 million ton of Co2 emission.

ECBC for commercial buildings was already in place and revised and updated version of ECBC for commercial buildings was launchedin June 2017. It is estimated that energy demand in the building sector will rise from around 350 billion units in 2018 to approximately 1000 billion units by year 2030.

While launching this ECBC-R, Shri R.K.Singh stated that building sector will have highest growth in energy demand in coming 10-15 years. Government is encouraging all building professionals including architects, builders to generate awareness towards energy conservation while constructing new residential homes.

National Energy Conservation Awards:

National Energy Conservation Day is celebrated every year on 14th December by Ministry of Power in association with Bureau of Energy Efficiency. In order to recognise the efforts of industry and other establishments towards promoting energy efficiency, on this Day, Ministry of Power organizes National Energy Conservation Awards event every year.On this occasion 26 industrial units from various sectors were given awardsfor their excellent performance in energy efficiency.Altogether 333 units and establishments across the country participated in this year’s National Awards Programme and a total saving of 3917 Million units have been reported which is worth Rs.2000 crores.

Further, in order to raise the awareness about energy efficiency and energy conservation, the Ministry of Power also organises National Painting Competition. The prize distribution for the winners of this competitionis also organised on this Day.  This year, awards for winners for the National Painting Competition have been given to 19 school children. In this Painting Competition approximately 90 lakhs school children from class IV to IX participated from all the States. The final competition was held in Delhi on 12th December 2018.

On this occasion, the Chief Guest Smt. Sumitra Mahajan, Lok Sabha Speaker stated that sustainable development and resource conservation are practised by India for many thousand years. Conservation of energy and use of clean energy resources are the priority area for Government as well as the people of our country.

On the sidelines of NECA function, an exhibition depicting India’s journey on the path of energy efficiency and energy conservation, highlighting various initiatives and their current progress towards contribution to country’s energysecurity, was also organised.

About BEE:

BEE is a statutory body under Ministry of Power which is mandated to implement policy and programmes in the area of energy efficiency and conservation. The objective of such initiativesis to reduce energy intensity in our country by optimizing energy demand and reduce emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) which are responsible for global warming and climate change.  India has committed to reduction of 33-35% GHG emission by 2030 as part of the document submitted to UNFCCC.

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