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Electrification in 15,183 Villages completed; Universal Household Electrification in the country by 31st March 2019 under SAuBHaGYa scheme


New Delhi: In view of the growing need of the Indian Economy, Government of India has embarked upon a massive programme to provide 24×7 power across the country by 2019. After the completion of half of its term, the Government has achieved many important milestones in the Power sector. Special focus has been given to Rural Electrification, under Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY); and Urban Electrification under Integrated Power Development Scheme (IPDS). The schemes have been now oriented towards individual household electrification by March 2019, under SAUBHAGYA scheme.

Several landmark decisions have already been taken in thermal power generation, hydel and more importantly in solar, wind and other green energy, besides strengthening of transmission and distribution, separation of feeder and metering of power to consumers.  These also include not only achievements in capacity addition but also important reforms being undertaken on increasing energy efficiency of the present infrastructure and thereby reducing power losses, including increasing accountability and transparency by launching Mobile applications and websites like URJA app, SAUBHAGYA portal, National Power Portal, MERIT portal etc.

The details of Year-long achievements for Ministry of Power are as below:

  1. Deendayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY)

Under DDUGJY, Projects with total cost of Rs. 42,565 crores have been sanctioned in 32 States/UTs.

Status of Village electrification in the Country 

Cumulatively (as on 30.11.2017), electrification in 1,24,219 villages and intensive electrification in 4,68,827 villages has been completed. Free electricity connections to 277.20 Lakh BPL Households have been released.

18,452 census villages in the country (out of total inhabited villages of 5,97,644 as per Census 2011) were reported un-electrified by the States as on 1st April 2015.

As on 30.11.2017, electrification in 15,183 villages has been completed and 1,052 villages have been reported un-inhabited. Remaining 2217 villages are expected to be electrified by 1st May 2018. These 2217 villages are located in the State of Arunachal Pradesh (1069), Assam (214), Bihar (111), Chhattisgarh (176), J&K (99), Jharkhand (176), Karnataka (8), Madhya Pradesh (34), Manipur (54), Meghalaya (50), Mizoram (11), Odisha (182) and Uttarakhand (33)

Achievement during January to November 2017

  • Electrification of Un-electrified villages:                     3,652
  • Intensive electrification of villages:                            60,218
  • Free electricity connections to BPL households:        24.55 Lakh
  1. SAuBHaGYa: Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana

Government of India has launched a scheme called “Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana (Saubhagya)” in Sep’17 to achieve universal household electrification in the country at a total cost of Rs. 16,320 crore including gross budgetary support of Rs. 12,320 crores from Government of India. The objective of the scheme is to provide last mile connectivity and electricity connections to all households in rural and urban areas. Free of cost electricity connections to all remaining un-electrified households with at least one deprivation on the basis of SECC data in rural areas and economically poor households in urban areas would be given. Others would be charged a sum of Rs. 500 per household in ten equal instalments with the bill. The households located in remote and inaccessible areas would be provided with Solar Photovoltaic (SPV) based standalone systems with LED lights, fan, power plug etc. The beneficiaries will be identified on the basis of socio economic conditions using SECC 2011 data.

It is targeted to achieve universal household electrification in the country by 31st March 2019.

The Scheme was launched in Manipur on 28th Nov 2017 and 1.75 lakh households of Manipur (1.62 lakh rural households and 0.13 lakh urban households) are proposed to be included under the Scheme.

  1. Integrated Power Development Scheme (IPDS)

IPDS Scheme aims to provide quality and reliable 24×7 power supply in the urban area. So far, projects worth Rs. 26,910 crores covering 3,616 towns have been sanctioned by the Monitoring Committee. State utilities have awarded the works worth Rs. 23,448 crores. The IT and technical intervention envisaged in the scheme will not only ensure 24×7 power supply in urban area but will also help in improvement in billing and collection efficiency which will ultimately result in reduction in Aggregate Technical and Commercial (AT&C) losses. So far, under R-APDRP 1363 towns have been declared “Go-Live”, 52 towns SCADA control systems have been established, 20 SCADA towns have been completed and 20 out of 21 Data Centre have been commissioned under Part-A of the Programme. Part-B projects have been completed in 970 towns. All India Short Code ‘1912’ for consumer connect adopted in 45/57 Discoms (including private) in India.

  1. Ujwal Discom Assurance Yojana (UDAY)

Ujwal DISCOM Assurance Yojana (UDAY), a scheme for financial and operational turnaround of Power Distribution Companies was formulated and launched by the Government on 20.11.2015 in consultation with various stakeholders.  The scheme aims to provide permanent solution to legacy of debts of approximately Rs.4.3 lakh crores and address potential future losses.  The scheme also envisages reform measures in all sectors – generation, transmission, distribution, coal, and energy efficiency. The scheme availability period has expired on 31-03-2017.

An inter-ministerial Monitoring Committee Mechanism for UDAY has been put in place to ensure a close monitoring of the performance of the participating States under UDAY.  Also a web portal (www.uday.gov.in) has been created for monitoring purposes.  The last meeting of the Monitoring Committee was held on 04-10-2017.

Nagaland, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Dadra & Nagar Haveli & Daman & Diu signed MoU with Government of India under UDAY Scheme on 20th Nov, 2017. With this, 27 States and 4 UTs have joined UDAY till date.

  1. Transmission

The draft document prepared on “National Electricity Plan (Transmission)” covers the transmission system (transmission lines and associated substations) planning including the inter-regional transmission links for the plan period 2017-22 to meet the project peak demand of 226 GW in the 2021-22-time frame.

The Conduct Business Rules (CBR) for Competent Authority (CA) responsible for approval to build independent transmission system for connecting the Indian generating stations to neighbouring countries transmission system for supply electricity exclusively to the neighbouring countries has been issued to facilitate CBTE.

  1. Thermal

To reduce the pollution caused by stubble burning, Ministry of power has issued a policy for Biomass utilization for power generation through co-firing in pulverized coal fired boilers to reduce the pollution.

  1. Hydro power projects

In Hydro Power Sector, 11 hydro projects, having total installed capacity of   1305 MW, are likely to be commissioned in the year 2017-18. Out of these projects, 7 projects with installed capacity of 465 MW have already been commissioned till 30.11.2017 & balance capacity is likely to be commissioned by March’18.  The Hydropower Generation for the Financial Year 2017-18 (January’ 2017 to November’ 2017) is 120.87 BU.

DPR of 2880 MW Dibang Multipurpose project concurred by CEA in the year 2017.

Investment approval of 60 MW Natwar Mori HEP conveyed to SJVNL.

  1. Extension of waiver of ISTS Transmission Charges and Losses for Solar Projects:

 As per the provisions of revised Tariff Policy 2016, the Ministry of Power has issued an Order on 30.9.2016 for applicability of waiver of inter-state transmission charges and losses on transmission of the electricity generated from solar and wind sources of energy. Such waiver was available for Wind Projects achieved COD till 31st March 2019 and for Solar Projects achieved COD till 30th June 2017.

An Amendment order has been issued on 14.6.2017 through which ISTS Transmission charges and losses waiver is available to Solar Projects which will achieve COD till 31st December 2019. This will give boost to solar and wind energy generation in the country.

  1. Guidelines for Tariff Based Competitive Bidding Process for Procurement of Power from Grid Connected Solar PV Power Projects

Solar Bidding Guidelines have been issued on 03.08.2017 for long term procurement of electricity by the distribution licensees, or the Authorized Representative(s), or an Intermediary Procurer, from grid-connected Solar PV Power Projects, having size of 5 MW and above, through competitive bidding under the provisions of Section 63 of the Electricity Act, 2003.

  1. Mobile applications and websites launched to ensure accountability and transparency   

URJA (Urban Jyoti AbhiyanMobile App

URJA App offers information on Consumer complaints redressal, Release of new service connection, Average number of interruptions faced by consumer, Average duration of interruptions faced by consumer, Number of consumers making e-payments, Energy lost / power theft i.e. AT&C loss, IT Enablement (Go-live of towns), SCADA Implementation, Urban System Strengthening, Feeder Data on National Power Portal, IPDS NIT progress, IPDS Award progress.

SAuBHaGYa Webportal

‘Saubhagya’ Web-Portal – a Platform for transparently monitoring Universal Household Electrification – was launched on 16th Nov, 2017.

National Power Portal

National Power Portal(NPP) – a Centralized Platform for Collation and Dissemination of Indian Power Sector Information – was launched on 14th Nov, 2017 and would be a single point interface for all Power Sector Apps launched previously by the Ministry.

Launch of e-Bidding portal for utilization of domestic coal in IPP Power Stations for reducing the cost of power generation  

An e-bidding portal was launched on 5th July 2017 for providing e-Bidding solution to States to select Independent Power Producers (IPPs) for procurement of power by transferring their domestic coal under the scheme of flexibility in utilization of domestic coal. The e-Bidding portal has been designed to facilitate States in inviting bids for procurement of power from the prospective IPPs in transparent and fair manner. The successful bidder shall be selected through e-Reverse Bidding process. The link for portal is available on the website of Ministry of Power and PFC Consulting Ltd.

The flexibility in utilization of domestic coal scheme envisages transferring coal to more efficient IPPs generating stations, leading to lower generation costs and ultimately lesser cost of electricity for the consumers.

 MERIT (Merit Order Despatch of Electricity for Rejuvenation of Income and Transparency) web portal

A Web Portal ‘MERIT’ i.e. Merit Order Despatch of Electricity for Rejuvenation of Income and Transparency was launched on 23rd June 2017 .This Mobile App and Web Portal displays the actual data of dispatched generation by the states transparently and provides opportunity to states for improving their power purchase portfolio.( http://www.meritindia.in)

  1. Revised Guidelines and Model Bidding Documents for medium-term procurement of power 

Revised Guidelines and Model Bidding Documents for mediumterm procurement of power by Distribution Licensees through tariff based competitive bidding process was notified on 17th January, 2017.  Introduction of medium-term procurement through e-bidding portal will result in greater transparency and fairness in the procurement process for ultimate benefit of the consumers.

  1. National High Power Test Laboratory (NHPTL) has started its commercial testing 

NHPTL a joint venture of NTPC, NHPC, POWERGRID, DVC & CPRI having a state of the art professionally managed, international class, On-Line High Power Short Circuit Test Facility has started the commercial testing at NHPTL, BINA, MP under CPRI supervision. BHEL, Bhopal make 400/11.5-11.5 kv, 120 MVA Station Transformer was tested and this is the first commercial testing carried out in NHPTL, Bina, using 400kV Grid as source for testing, under the supervision of CPRI Engineers.

  1. Country’s First Phasor Measurement Unit Test Facility 

CPRI has established country’s first Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) test facility. Fluke make 6135A/PMUCAL Phasor Measurement Unit Calibration system is a automated system and traceable solution for PMU Testing and Calibration. It’s a unique facility for carrying out Validation/Evaluation of PMU both M-class and P-Class Steady state and Dynamic conditions as per relevant International standards. Phasor Measurement Units enable real-time computer control to safeguard the stability and reliability of modern power grids. New test and calibration standards for PMUs will promote consistent performance across PMU manufacturers.

  1. Energy Conservation 

            National LED Programme

Hon’ble Prime Minister, on 5th January, 2015 launched the National LED Programme with the aim of promoting use of the most efficient lighting technology at affordable rates. This programme has two components (iUnnat Jyoti by Affordable LED for All (UJALA) to provide LED bulbs to domestic consumers with a target to replace 77 crore incandescent bulbs with LED bulbs and (iiStreet Lighting National Programme (SLNP) to replace 1.34 crore conventional street lights with smart and energy efficient LED street lights by March, 2019.

EESL has evolved a service model to enable municipalities to replace conventional lights with LEDs at no upfront cost. The balance cost is recovered through the municipalities by monetising the energy savings. Similarly, for domestic lights, EESL service model enables domestic households to procure LED lights at an affordable price of Rs. 10/- each and the balance on easy instalment from their electricity bill.

The current progress of implementation of the National LED programme up to 18th December 2017 since its launch on 5th January 2015 is as follows:

Parameters UJALA SLNP
No. of LED bulbs distributed/streetlights installed 28.07 crore 41.79 lakh
Average energy saved per year 36.45 billion kWh 2.80 billion kWh
Avoided peak demand/avoided capacity 7299 MW 467 MW
GHG emission CO2 reductions per year 29.53 million t CO2 1.93 million t CO2

Standard & Labelling of Appliances

  1. Launch of mandatory program for Inverter AC.
  2. Revision of standards for room AC, Direct Cool refrigerators, Color TV and geysers.
  3. MOU signed with CPRI to setup four testing labs for LED bulbs. 


  1. Updated version of Energy Conservation Building Codes i.e. ECBC 2017 launched in June 2017.
  2. ECO-NIWAS, an online tool to guide the public in incorporating energy efficiency elements in their homes, such as building materials, its design features and appliances launched.

Perform, Achieve and Trade (PATScheme 

  1. PAT cycle III commenced from 1st April, 2017 with the identification of 116 more DCs in the 11 existing sectors, totalling 737 DCs.
  2. Hotels under Commercial Buildings category having energy consumption of more than 1000 toe and Petrochemical units having energy consumption more than 100000 toe has been notified as new sectors under PAT scheme.
  3. Online portal on EScerts trading infrastructure launched which has been developed by BEE in collaboration with Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC). So far more than 2.9 lakhs ESCerts have been traded at an overall cost of Rs 18.4 crores.

Transport Sector 

  1. The Corporate Average Fuel Consumption Standards (CAFC) for passenger cars which was notified on April, 2015, has become effective w.e.f 1st April, 2017.
  2. The fuel economy norms for Heavy duty vehicles notified on 16th August, 2017. These norms are applicable for M3 (Buses) and N3 (Trucks) category vehicles complying with BS IV norms with gross vehicle weight exceeding 12 tonnes.
  3. Government plans to procure 10000 evehicles through demand aggregation. Bids were invited via open tender and under Phase-I, contracts have been awarded to Tata Motors Ltd. for 250 e-cars and M/s Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. for 150 e-cars which includes five years Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC).
  4. International Cooperation (IC )

India announced the Activation of Association with International Energy Agency (IEA) during the meeting of Dr. Fatih Birol, Executive Director, IEA with the then Hon’ble Minister of State (IC) for Power, Coal, NRE and Mines on 30th March, 2017 in New Delhi.

An agreed Joint Work Program 2018-2020 was exchanged between the Govt. of India and the International Energy Agency on 8th November, 2017 in Paris.

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