New Delhi: Government of India has issued uidelines/ standards with and objective to introduce a uniform standards based system for creation of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) by the Health care providers by formulation EHR Standards 2016. This uniform standard helps ensure the interoperability within different system.
The Ministry has set up National Resource Centre for EHR Standard (NRCeS) to augment facilitation for adoption of the notified EHR Standards in technical association with Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), Pune for providing assistance in developing, implementing and using EHR standards effectively in healthcare Information Technology (IT) applications.
The estimated cost is Rs. 23.59 Crore, out of which an amount of Rs. 4 crore has been released to Centre for Developing of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), Pune for setting up of National Resource Centre for EHR Standards (NRCeS).