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Executive Committee under POSHAN (PM’s Overarching Scheme for Holistic Nourishment) Abhiyaan held its first meeting


New Delhi: The Executive Committee which is the Apex body for all Nutrition related activities under the POSHAN Abhiyaan, held its first meeting today to decide on the roadmap for the Mission. The Committee is headed by Sh. Rakesh Srivastava, Secretary, Ministry of Women and Child Development. The Committee, inter alia, has taken the following decisions:

  1. India Nutrition Report shall be released every year by the Government after a detailed survey.
  2. On the occasion of Ambedkar Jayanti(14th April) this year, Gram Panchayats across the country will hold meetings to discuss on the Nutritional aspects and their implementation along with Health and Sanitation issues. All the Gram Panchayats will be advised to weigh the children and display the weights in the Anganwadi centres
  3. Instead of blindly adopting the Nutritional practices of other countries, best practices of states across the country which are successful in reducing Stunting, Anaemia and Malnutrition are to be studied and successful models to be adopted at National level.
  4. For special focus on the deprived sections of the Society, District Collectors will hold a detailed survey of the people who are outside the Anganwadi System.

For the financial year 2017-18, 315 districts have been identified in the descending order of prevalence of stunting. Video conferencing with these districts for orientation is being held on 15th March 2018. A National Seminar is also being organised on 20th March 2018 for taking the Mission forward.

The following activities are to be undertaken by States/UTs as part of POSHAN Abhiyaan:

  • Implementation of Convergence Action Plan at State/UT Level.
  • Procurement of Smartphones, Tablets and Growth Monitoring Devices by States/UTs.
  • Roll-Out of ICDS-CAS(Common Application Software).
  • Implementation of ILA(Incremental Learning Approach) and CBE(Community based events).

POSHAN Abhiyaan which was launched by the Prime Minister in Jhunjhunu on 8th March 2018 would be converted to Jan Andolan across the country. The National Nutrition Mission (NNM) was approved on 30.11.2017. POSHAN Abhiyaan has been set up with a three year budget of Rs.9046.17 crore commencing from 2017-18. All States and Union Territories to be targeted in a phased manner.

The Executive Committee is set to function in mode of convergence with various Ministries.

The Committee, besides providing key policy directions, will work towards integration of:

  1. Nutrition components of various schemes
  2.  ICDS-CAS of WCD Ministry and RCH portal of Health Ministry for data flow and timely interventions

The Executive committee would:

  1. Review the outcomes and suggest mid-course corrections that may be required in the policy design.
  2. Track progress in key outcomes with an analysis of lagging States/UTs and supportive action.
  3. Monitor and review implementation of all nutrition related components across the line Ministries.
  4. Prescribe/call periodical reports/returns on any nutrition related component from the line Ministries and States/UTs.
  5. Periodical review of nutritional status of States/UTs and provide policy directions
  6. Real Time Monitoring for generation of SMS alerts and prompt local interventions.

Some of the key Nutrition strategies and interventions are supplementary nutrition, IYCF(Infant and Young Child Feeding)immunisation, food fortification, adolescent nutrition, dietary diversification and maternal health & nutrition among others. Behaviour change communication is the key component of POSHAN Abhiyaan for converting it into Jan Andolan.

Representatives of Chief secretaries of various states and senior representatives of various convergent Ministries attended the meeting. Dr. R C Panda, Member of the Board of Coalition food and Nutrition Security, is an expert member of the Committee. District Collectors/their representatives from 9 districts(viz. Bahraich, Shravasti, Balrampur, Pashchimi, Singhbhum, Siddharthnagar, Gonda ,Sitapur ,Koppal ,Yadgir) with high prevalence of child stunting were also made members of Executive Committee for assessing ground level situation.

National Council on India’s nutritional challenges under chairmanship of Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog, has also been set up under the POSHAN Abhiyaan. The Council shall submit report to the Prime Minister every 6 months. Secretary WCD being the Member convenor of National council, would formally request vice-chairman NITI Aayog to convene meeting of National Council on India’s nutritional challenges.

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