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Exemption in cutoff date in connection with the disbursement made by the Punjab Govt. under Rehabilitation package to the migrant families in Punjab


New Delhi: The Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh approved the proposal for one-time extension of the stipulated cut-off date from 8/11/2016 to 4/8/2017 for disbursement of Rs. 2.08 Cr. by the Punjab Govt. to the migrant families in the State of Punjab following anti-Sikh riots in 1984.

One of the recommendations of the Justice G.P. Mathur Committee, which was constituted to look into the grievances related to 1984 riots, was to provide Rehabilitation package to the migrant families in the State of Punjab. The Committee report stated that there were 1,020 cases (72 cases verified and recommended for payment while 948 cases were still pending for verification) in which Rehabilitation Grant could not be paid as the scheme has been closed.

The Committee recommended that the scheme for payment of Rs. 2 lakh as grant under the 2006 Rehabilitation package would be reopened for a certain period and the State Govt. of Punjab may be asked to complete the process of verification within a fixed period.

Accordingly, with the approval of competent Authority, vide MHA’s letter dated 9/5/2016, the State Govt. of Punjab was requested to verify the pending cases within the 3 months from the date of issue of the letter and make disbursement of the amount from their own budget within stipulated time period but not later than 8/11/2016 and seek the reimbursement from MHA.

After a long follow up, the Govt. of Punjab, vide their letter dated 31/7/2018 provided the complete details of 104 beneficiaries, along with date of disbursement, in respect of whom total disbursement of Rs. 2.08 Cr. was made (104 x Rs. 2.00 lakh).

However with the approval of one time exemption of the cut-off date by the Union Home Minister Shri Rajnath Singh, the amount of Rs. 2.08 Cr will now be reimbursed to Govt. of Punjab.

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