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Exercise Yudh Abhyas 16 : Validation Exercise Completed


New Delhi: Over the duration of past two weeks, Armies of India and USA have participated in Exercise Yudh Abhyas at Chaubattia. The exercise aimed at building positive military relations between the two countries and allowed the two armies to understand each other’s tactical and operational methodologies.The training culminated in a 48 hours consolidation and validation exercise in which troops carried out a daring rescue and destroy mission in the general area of Pilkholi near Chaubattia.

            The exercise was conducted with focus on counter Insurgency and counter terrorism operations under UN Mandate. During final validation, troops were inducted by helicopters into a notional hostile area in the heavily forested areas of Chaubattia, at heights ranging from 6000 feet to 7800 feet. It involved the complete spectrum of operations to include planning, preparation and execution of tactical drills to neutralize terrorists.

            The exercise began with a march of approx 6 kilometers with complete battle loads of almost 30 kilograms on each soldier; where in the physical fitness of the soldiers of both nations is put to acid test. The tactical picture painted required both the contingents to carry out various tactical operations to include Raid and Cordon & Search operations. Emphasis is also laid on use of state of the art equipment for surveillance, tracking and identification of terrorists, use of specialist weapons for close quarter battles, sensing & neutralizing IEDs and establishing effective communication.

            The validation exercise was reviewed by Major General RK Raina, General Officer Commanding of a Division of the Indian Army and Major General Thomas James, Commanding General, 7 Infantry Division of the US Army. A host of dignitaries and number of Senior Officers of both the armies observedthe validation exercise.

              The exercise was concluded with de-briefing by the contingent commanders and valuable suggestions by the senior reviewing officers of both sides, which would be recorded for implementation in the training by both armies.

            Closing ceremony of exercise Yudh Abhyas 2016 is scheduled on 27 Sep.

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