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Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflow in Indian Railways


New Delhi: Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) equity inflow from April, 2014 to December,2017 in Railway sector is US$ million 389.83. The financial year-wise break up is as under :-        

          Year                                       Amount

                                                                 (In US$ million)

(i)      2014-15                                     129.73

(ii)     2015-16                                       73.99

(iii)    2016-17                                       87.57

(iv)    2017-18                                       98.54

          (April to December)

            The FDI investment has been utilised for manufacturing of Rolling Stock (Coaches and Wagons including its parts), Signalling Equipment and Locomotives (Diesel and Electric) & parts of locomotives.

         Ministry of Railways has signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with China, France, Spain, South Korea, Japan, United Kingdom, Russia and Germany for cooperation in the area of High Speed Railways. A Memorandum of Cooperation has been signed with Government of Japan for Mumbai-Ahmedabad High Speed Rail (MAHSR) project which includes transfer of technology and Make in India.

         A large number of Foreign Governments and Railways have shown keen interest in the station redevelopment program. These include French Railway (SNCF), Korean Railway, Governments of Federal Republic of Germany, China and United Kingdom. This information was made available in reply to a question in Rajya Sabha.

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