The condition of former Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Narayan Dutt Tiwari, who was admitted to a private hospital in New Delhi last month, has deteriorated and he has been put on life support, a senior doctor from the hospital said on Sunday, 5 November.
The 92-year-old politician was shifted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the Max Super Speciality Hospital on 26 October, as he was suffering from fever and pneumonia.
DoctorToday his blood pressure dropped significantly and other health parameters also deteriorated. He has been put on life support.
A team of doctors is monitoring his condition in the ICU round the clock, he said.
In September, Tiwari, the only leader to have served as the chief minister of two states – Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand – suffered a brain stroke, after which his condition became critical.
The veteran leader has also served as a Union Minister in several Congress governments and also as the Andhra Pradesh governor.
The Quint