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Government committed to improve Statistical system to meet data requirements: D. V. Sadananda Gowda


New Delhi: Minister of Statistics and Programme Implementation Shri D. V. Sadananda Gowda said that the government is committed to improve Statistical system to meet data requirements. During a media briefing along with the Minister of State Shri Vijay Goel on Budget proposals of the Ministry the Minister also said that the Ministry intends to prepare National Report on baseline data to monitor the status of progress for goals and targets under SDGs.

The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) proposes to undertake several initiatives during the Financial Year 2018-19 to further improve statistical system to meet the data requirements in the emerging socio-economic scenario of the country. In the Union Budget 2018-19, the Ministry was allocated Rs. 4859 crore.

The Ministry has been operating two Schemes, namely, (i) Capacity Development (CD) Scheme and (ii) Members of Parliament Local Area Development (MPLAD) Scheme. In addition, the Ministry provides Grants-in-Aid to Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), an institute of National importance, for its day to day functioning, infrastructure development and research/academic activities. The allocation in 2018-19 are: Rs. 208 crore for CD, Rs. 3950 crore for MPLADS and Rs. 269 crore for ISI.

The Union Cabinet under the leadership of the Hon’ble Prime Minister, adopted the United Nations Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics in 2016. The Ministry is in the process of evolving a National Policy on Official Statistics to give furtherance to these Principles. A National Quality Assurance Framework for Official Statistics will be prepared by the Ministry during 2018-19.

The Ministry brings out estimates of macroeconomic aggregates, estimates on various socio-economic parameters and on short term indicators from time to time, as per pre-determined calendar of releases for facilitating better understanding and assessment of the progress of the economy and the society for promoting evidence based policy formulation. These statistical products/ outcomes are consistent with the relevant international standards and methodology, and the compilation processes undergoes revision from time to time to accommodate best practices.

During 2018-19, the Ministry is proposing to initiate steps to revise the base years of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Index of Industrial Production (IIP) and Consumer Price Index (CPI) to accommodate and factor the changes take place in the economic scenario of the country. The new base year for GDP and IIP will be 2017-18 and for CPI, it will be 2018.

The Ministry has launched a Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS) in April, 2017 to assess the labour force scenario in the country. The results of this survey (Rural and Urban) would be made available to the government and non-government stakeholders in 2018-19. The Ministry proposes to launch new surveys to address the data gap and to ensure regular flow of data for services sector and informal sector. The Ministry also proposes to launch a Time Use Survey, which inter-alia aims at assessing the contribution of women in non-marketed social and economic activities, which have not been measured so far.

As part of Digital India initiative of the Government, the Ministry intends to optimally and extensively utilize ICT for data collection, compilation and dissemination. The Ministry is at an advanced stage of establishing a National Data Warehouse on official statistics. The data warehouse will act as repository of all official statistics.

The National Statistical System Training Academy (NSSTA) has been established as an apex training academy on official statistics to impart training to statistical officers/ staff of Centre & State/UT Governments and other countries, academia and students. It also prepares a pool of resource persons on different subject domains who impart training at lower levels.

The data collection machinery of the NSSO in NE Region is being strengthened by opening new offices or upgrading existing offices in Itanagar, Aizwal, Imphal and Agartala.

In consonance with the Prime Minister’s vision of a ‘New India’ by 2022, the Government appointed Prabhari Officers for coordinating the efforts of Centre and States in achieving rapid transformation of 115 identified backward districts. Steps are being taken by the Government to establish a comprehensive database and an efficient feedback mechanism. The CSO and the NSSO are identifying parameters on which data for the 115 districts could be provided periodically for inclusion in the comprehensive database for facilitating assessment of progress.

The Ministry is the nodal agency for devising framework for monitoring Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). During 2018-19, the Ministry intends to prepare National Report on baseline data to monitor the status of progress for goals and targets under SDGs.

The Guidelines on MPLADS have been modified with changing requirements as well as on advice/feedback received from the stakeholders. The modifications are intended to imbibe systemic improvements in the design and implementation of the Scheme and to ensure optimum utilisation of Government Funds. The Ministry has developed a new Integrated MPLADS portal for use of all the stakeholders, an attempt towards ensuring transparency and making citizens aware of the implementation of the Schemes.

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