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Government is taking several steps to control the spread of Fall Army Worm: Shri Tomar


New Delhi: The Department has taken note of Fall Army Worm (FAW) infestation in the country. The infestation has been found primarily on maize and to a small extent on Ragi and Sorghum.  As reported by the States, the details of the area affected due to Fall Army Worm (FAW) in maize during the last three years is at Annexure I.

 The Department has taken following steps to control the spread of Fall Army Worm (FAW):-

(i). The Indian Council of Agriculture Research has prepared a detailed Package of Practices (POP) against FAW in Maize crop. The POP, inter-alia, contains mechanical, cultural, biological and chemical measures to control FAW. The POP has been circulated to all the States for its implementation. Timely advisories are being issued regularly to State Departments of Agriculture to adopt preventive measures.

(ii). A High Power Committee (HPC) has been constituted, headed by the Secretary (DAC&FW) and Secretary (DARE) to review the status and to recommend appropriate strategies. Based on the recommendations of the HPC, various Sub-Committees have also been constituted in the State of Karnataka, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Bihar and Rajasthan States, which are headed by the Director / Commissioner of Agriculture / Principal Secretary of the respective State.

(iii).Regular surveys, surveillance and monitoring were conducted by the Central Integrated Pest Management Centres (CIPMCs) in collaboration with the State Department of Agriculture, SAUs and ICAR etc. Further, awareness programmes for the farmers were organized to advise them to adopt cultural and farm practices.

(iv). Certain Bio-control Agents have found effective against FAW. Mass production of these bio-control agents has been promoted.

This Information was given by the Union Minister for Agriculture & Farmers Welfare Shri Narendra Singh Tomar in Lok Sabha today.


Details of area affected due to Fall Army Worm during the Last three years

Sl. No. State Details of area affected due to Fall Army Worm during Last three years (area in ha.)
2017-18 2018-19



(up to may, 2019)

1. Chhattisgarh No incidence of Fall Army Worm was reported in the country during 2016-17 and 2017-18 1539 1007.74
2. Himachal Pradesh
3. Andhra Pradesh 2538
4. Madhya Pradesh 110
5. Rajasthan
6. Gujarat 70 14
7. Karnataka 211300
8. Uttar Pradesh 2


9. Sikkim 376
10. Mizoram 1877.29
11. Manipur 4341.64
12. Nagaland 4553.29
13. Meghalaya 40
14. Tripura 7.08
15. Assam 27.65
16. Telangana 24288.40
17. West Bengal 485
18. Arunachal Pradesh 250
19. Kerala
20. Tamil Nadu 315
21. Odisha 60
22. Uttarakhand
23. Punjab
24. Bihar
25. Jharkhand 7.08
26. Maharashtra 5144
27. Jammu & Kashmir
28. Haryana
29. Goa

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