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Government takes up immediate measures for livelihood and security of tribal gatherers and artisans in the backdrop of situation arising out of COVID-19


New Delhi: In light of the unprecedented hardship faced by the tribal artisans, Government is taking several immediate initiatives to provide support to the tribal gatherers and tribal artisans. The Ministry of Tribal Affairs has already hiked the MSP of items of Minor Forest Produce under the scheme ‘Institutional Support for Development and Marketing of Tribal Products’. Under this scheme, TRIFED of M/o Tribal Affairs is associated with approximately 10 Lakh Tribal Artisan families. Since the past 30 days, owing to the nationwide lockdown, all commercial activities of the tribal artisans have come to a halt and the artisans are staring at uncertainty as their livelihoods have been impacted. They are stuck with large existing stocks and little or no sales.The items available with artisans range across several categories – Textiles, Gift & Assortments, Van Dhan Naturals, Metal, Jewellery, Tribal Paintings, Pottery, Cane & Bamboo among others.

In light of the above, following have been taken up to provide urgent support to the tribal community:

a) Purchase of Unsold Stocks:

Most tribal artisans rely on the sales of their tribal products for their livelihood generation and are hence in need of immediate relief. To ensure relief to the tribal families, the Ministry of Tribal Affairs has approved purchase of existing available stock up from tribal artisans who are most affected in the current lockdown. Accordingly, TRIFED plans to procure tribal products worth approx. Rs. 23 Cr from tribal artisans across the country.

Additionally, TRIFED is reaching out to industry federations, major corporates and business organizations via video-conference webinars and discussions encouraging them to purchase stock of tribal artisans which may be utilised for:

• Outright purchase and sale

• Gifting Requirements

• Conference/Seminar items like folders, stationery, etc.

• Supplies for offices including decorative items such as paintings, dokra, etc.

• Franchisee model may be explored

• Bulk supplies of essential items (VanDhan Naturals) may be purchased, such as Honey, Soups, Spices, Rice, Millets, Tea and Coffee varieties, among others and tie up for regular supplies

• In current situation Masks and hand sanitizers being made by some of the tribal artisans in adherence to guidelines issued by WHO, UNICEF, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.

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