The term of the 182-member Gujarat assembly ends on 22 January 2018. The BJP-ruled state of Gujarat has seen high-profile campaigning by both the BJP as well as the Congress. With an eye on the elections, Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed a number of rallies and inaugurated projects in Gujarat a few days ago. Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi, too, recently concluded his second trip to the state as part of his proposed four-phase tour to cover all the regions.
On the other hand, the term of the 68-member Himachal Pradesh’s Assembly ends on 7 January 2018. Himachal Pradesh is currently under Congress chief minister Virbhadra Singh, the longest-serving chief minister of the state.
The dates for the assembly elections in Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh are likely to be announced on Thursday, 12 October.
The three-member Election Commission, headed by Chief Election Commissioner AK Jyoti, will address a press conference at 4 pm at the Nirvachan Sadan in Delhi when the full poll schedule for the two states is likely to be released.